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Eight years later
December 24th

I held her hand tightly. My parents had over-decorated their house just like they did every year. Kieran and Puck's car was already in the driveway when Auto and I arrived. I sighed.

"Every time..." I groaned as I got out of the car. Auto put the car in park and got out as well. "And we left earlier this time..." I muttered.

"Maybe next year?" She chuckled.

"Nope. Not gonna happen..." I sighed as I pulled out the present bag.

"Let me grab that..." Auto said and took the bag from me.

"Thanks..." I smiled and kissed her temple, grabbing her hand again.

We walked up to the door together and rang the doorbell. A few quick, excited steps approached and the door was pulled open.

"Max!" Cheryl exclaimed and pulled me into her arms.

"Hey, mom..." I chuckled. She kissed my forehead and moved onto hugging Auto.

"Hey, Cheryl..." She said and hugged back.

We walked in together. Kieran was on the couch, talking to dad while Puck was putting presents under the large tree. They seemed to have just gotten here.

"Well, you guys are early!" Kieran chuckled when he saw me. Puck turned around and stood up as he saw his sister and I. Both Kieran and Puck both stood up at the same time and walked over to us, pulling us into a group hug.

"I'm gonna stuff the tree some more..." Auto chuckled and walked into the living room, hugging my dad on the way.

"Did you guys drive safe?" Puck asked.

"Nah we hit a guy and ended up having to hide the body..." I mumbled.

"Why'd I even ask..." Puck groaned with a chuckle.

As Christmas Eve turned into Christmas Day at midnight, while Auto was asleep in my old room, I snuck out silently. It was still dark outside and snow was falling in large flakes on the other side of the windows. The house was quiet. Quiet like every early Christmas morning. I smiled to myself as I looked at the small box in my hand. It was wrapped in golden paper with a white lace that was tied in a perfect little bow.

For Auto
From Max

I was grinning like a kid as I snuck down the stairs. I felt like Santa Claus, sneaking through a sleeping house to deliver a gift. Everything was perfect. My steps were lighter than feathers, not making as much as a creak in the floor. The Christmas tree was lit, I could see it from the stairs. It's golden glow filled the first floor with its warm comfort. It was beautiful.

I tiptoed to the archway that led to the living room and peeked inside. It was empty, perfect. I slowly walked over to the tree and crouched down. It was just as wonderful every year. Christian always picked the most beautiful tree and together with Cheryl they decorated it with the most gorgeous decorations and the most wonderful lights. I smiled at the sight of the tree. It never failed to impress me.

There's always going to be something magical about the night before Christmas. As if time passed at half its speed and everyone slept, the clocks tucked a bit louder. I hadn't felt the magic before Kieran, Christian and Cheryl showed it to me eight years ago. That day, I had felt so warm inside that I didn't know what to do with myself. It was a similar feeling to my first birthday with them which was exactly two weeks before Christmas. Everyone had been so secretive and I had been awoke by a singing parade with a cake in bed, showered with presents. But Christmas was better. Christmas had more power.

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