even if its love. x

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i heard my parents talking and i heard we might be moving away and honestly, i can't wait.

i've wanted to leave from this town since billie has been distant and now finally i get to go away.

angie's pov

i walk downstairs about to leave for school when my parents stop me.

"so" my dad says looking nervous, then clears his throat "we're going to be moving away next week and i understand if you don't want to go we can st-"

i cut him off while smiling "no i want to" i say while looking at him.

"good" he says while grabbing my mums hand.

"go to school" my mum says smiling, i nod as i'm putting my shoes on.

i walk in through the doers and to my locker and i see isaac there "hey! i haven't seen you in awhile" i say.

"yeah i haven't been i'm sorry" he says with a smile. i nod.

"well i'm moving next week" i say while looking at him.

he looks at me sadly "what why" he asks "well my parents want too and i wouldnt mind" i say "oh okay" he says.

we walk to 1st period in silence. i saw billie on the way but i didn't stop.

isaac disappeared by lunch so i was alone, on my phone, in the cafeteria. but that soon changed when billie sat down and started talking to me.

"hey so i was thinking we should han-" i cut her off "i'm moving" i say looking at her "well it's not just me my parents too obviously but i'm long with them" i say

she looks at me "wow so you're okay with it?" she asks sort of angry "yeah" i say.

she scoffed and left.

angie xoxo

(adj) fragrant, delicious.

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