Beware the Hybrids!
The first thing I felt when I woke up this morning was the warmth of the sunlight; unfortunately, the first thing I heard was my mother's screeching voice yelling at me to wake up. "Mother I'm sure Anna has awoken by now" I heard my younger sister Arabella say. "And besides you wouldn't want to lose your voice before father returns." I could hear my mother mumbling something under her breathe probably curses about my lazy behavior.
"Anna....Anna you must get up now before you sleep the day away." Looking up I could see my sister's lovely face. To say that Arabella was pretty would be an understatement she was beautiful with her honey colored eyes, creamy smooth skin, and slim figure. There is this part inside of me that's always been jealous of her good looks, but I suck up my bitter feelings and move on with my life.
"I'm up I'm up," I tell her "Good mother's face was becoming an unusual color of red from screaming your name" Arabella said giggling. Pushing the covers back, I stepped out onto the cold floors of my sisters and I room. A shiver shot through my body tempting me to jump back in the bed but I keep on moving fearing my mother's wrath.
"Today's the day I'm finally going to ask," I tell my sister while braiding my brown hair in preparation for today's chores. "I don't think you should ask mother you know stressed out she gets when father's coming back home from his journeys." Arabella says hesitantly."That's why this is the perfect time to ask and this time I know she has to say yes. I already looked in the cabinets, we need saffron leaves to make father's favorite tea, and going to the market is the only way to get them.
"You know it's dangerous and we could,'' losing my patience I shout at my sister "you know what forget it you would never understand because you're content to stay in this house forever." Standing up quickly I rush out the room towards the kitchen to my mother.
Arabella never gets where I'm coming from when I pressure her to ask our parents if we go beyond lines of our home. Sometimes I feel that the blood running through my blood is a burden that I can no longer live with. It effects all parts of my life; I can never go into town in fear of being attacked by hybrids and full breeds, I can barely use the bathroom by myself without my family asking me if I'm okay.
However, today's going to be different I'll finally prove to everyone that I can go beyond the boundary line and come back home in one piece. Then I'll be able to go places by myself without a protector and I can finally be an adult.
Entering the kitchen, I take a moment to look at my mother Gwendolyn. At a glance, she looked like a regular homemaker with the apron on, hair pulled back, and a wooden spoon in one hand. If you looked closer you could she was a beauty in her younger days with her stormy grey eyes and wrinkle free face.
My father always said she was as pretty as a sunset in her hay day and still is. A little age makes everything better he would joke with us. However, to me she was my captor, the one who held the key to escape this prison called home. "Are you just going to stand there all day and stare or help me prepare dinner for your father" my mother states in an annoyed tone.
Clearing my throat, I step fully into the kitchen and mentally ready myself for the argument that is going to occur from my question.
"What do you what Anna?" she says jumping straight to the point as expected. "Mother I recently noticed we're missing an essential part of our feast for daddy." Mother stops to look at me eying me curiously waiting to see what I am going to say next.
"Father's favorite tea leaves, saffron, you know he would be disappointed if we didn't serve them with dinner." I see her eyes widen in realization as she scrambles to the cabinets looking for the leaves and sighing when she discovers there all gone.

Down Goes Love
RomanceBeing a pureblood in this world was terrifying if you were one. Hybrids often sought out pureblood's for their divine blood because of its healing properties among other things. Too bad for Anna, because she was in for the worst not only was she tra...