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alvaro finished changing in the locker room and headed out to his first soccer practice at timber creek. he was a bit nervous, it was a whole new team and he didn't know how well they played together. he ended up trying out for varsity. he wasn't surprised when he found out he made the team.

it's been three days since alvaro came across camilas instagram and tiktok. he looked for her snapchat, but it was no where to be found. he even went as far as seeing if any of her fan pages posted it, but when people would ask they would tell them they weren't allowed to give it out.

she did follow him back, but she took forever. she followed him back on all platforms the next day. the two stalked each others pages and waited for each other to post.

camila gained interest in alvaro, and he was surely interested in her. he thought she was beautiful and she thought he was handsome, but she would never admit it. she couldn't even admit it to herself.

alvaro was a boy she had no interest being friends with, and then boom. one day she decides to duet his video, he decides to comment and follow her, and now he's suddenly an eleven out of ten to her! he deserved the hype though.

he looked forward to winter lights even more than he did before, he would be able to meet his fans and he would be able to see her in person. though they didn't talk, he couldn't wait to see her. he wanted to dm her but couldn't muster up the courage to do so.

when practice ended, he wasted no time leaving the school. he was tired and exhausted. his first day of practice wasn't bad and he got along with his teammates well. one guy was even bold enough to make a tiktok with alvaro, he was more than likely clout chasing though.

once he got home, he showered and changed into gym shorts and a hoodie, more than twenty hoodies and he wore the same ones over and over again. he lied in bed and went on tiktok, seeing the most recent one was camilas. he watched it and liked it, then decided to comment on it.

bet i could do it better

he sent the comment and waited for a reply but it never came. all she did was like his reply. roshaun entered the room and lied on his bed.

"so that camila girl." roshaun started. alvaro turned his head to look at roshaun. "she just followed me on instagram." he finished.

"really?" alvaro asked, opening instagram. roshaun nodded and alvaro scrolled through his feed. he watched instagram stories and then he got to camilas.

it was a video of her most recent tiktok. he decided to swipe up, desperate to start a conversation with her.


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anything you do, i can do
better 🥱

that's not what my duet said 😗

nah, your friend did amazing

but i'm pretty sure i did
better than you

how did you do better than me?

i had rhythm and wellll, u didn't

ouch :( are you saying i have
no rhythm at all? that's rude.

just speaking facts 🗣

whatever you say

she finally replied to one of alvaros comments on her video. after him trying to get her attention today, she finally decided to reply.

the conversation didn't last very long. she replied fast, which he liked. she showed interest, but not enough interest to keep the conversation going. he decided that he would try to start another conversation tomorrow.

for the rest of the night, he texted the groupchat about how excited he was for winter lights. everyone knew it was because of camila but he wouldn't admit it. even if he didn't know her, he wanted to get to know her. maybe he could even convince her to hangout with him before winter lights, after all they are both located in orlando.

camila noticed alvaro was trying really hard to get her attention, she found it funny. he would comment on her tiktoks and he even liked the few instagram posts she had up.

when he dm'd her on instagram, she decided she would reply. she enjoyed her short conversation with alvaro, he has humor and that's one quality in a friend that she liked.

she's also been talking to roshaun, after she followed him he decided that he would text her. she enjoyed the friendship that was being created between her and roshaun.

the rest of alvaros friends ended up following her after alvaro had decided to. she followed all of them back, including mattia despite her thoughts of him. her and elleah had been on the phone talking when alvaro dm'd her. elleah was excited to see her best friend create friendships with her favorite boys.

with the growing friendship she had with alvaro and roshaun, more roshaun than alvaro, she began to get a little more excited about winter lights. it was two weeks away and she couldn't wait. elleah also got the courage to ask her parents and to everyone's surprise, they said yes.

camila knew if she really wanted to, she could meet alvaro and roshaun sooner but they weren't on that level of friendship yet. she didn't know how she would act when she would meet them. she was a social butterfly but she thought it was weird to automatically think it was okay to approach people she barely started talking to with, "hey let's hangout." she would rather grow a bond with at least one of them before hanging out with them.

with alvaro's consistency and roshaun's ability to be very friendly, it wouldn't be hard to grow a bond with either one. it was easy for anyone to become comfortable around roshaun.

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hey hey, mid-week update 🙈 such a short chapter
but longer chapters are coming in the near future !!
also small disclaimer, if there are any mistakes or if
something is incorrect grammar wise then i apologize,
i write these during crackhead hours lmao.

don't forget to vote + comment <3

word count: 1042
edited: 04/27/2020

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