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the two girls arrived at the movie theatres, not seeing one familiar boy in sight. camila sighed, worried the boys were going to make them late. camila was late everywhere, it didn't matter where but it was rare for her to make it somewhere on time. she didn't know why she was worrying about the boys making her late, she made everyone late.

after about ten minutes of the movie starting, the boys arrived. she seen alvaro and her eyes lit up, happy that they were finally hanging out again. even though she just seen him two days ago, it felt like forever. the two have been more affectionate with each other since the night she stayed the night, and camila was beginning to form an attachment she didn't want but had to allow to happen.

the boys walked up to the girls, messing around and shoving each other. arriving to the girls, mattia pulled out a pre-roll, raising his eyebrows at camila who shook her head.

"i don't smoke." she said, receiving a stare from elleah.

"oh you're a damn liar." mattia said, tossing the joint to her and pulling out another one. she smiled, searching through her bag and opening a glasses case and placing both joints in it. the group of teenagers walked inside the movie theater, handing the worker their movie tickets. they were directed to the theater the movie was showing in.

camila felt alvaro standing next to her. he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her waist.

the boys entered the movie theaters being loud, camila was a bit embarrassed but knew they were just loud because they were enjoying their time together.

alvaro and roshaun really missed the boys, and the boys really missed them. the group wasn't complete until they were all together. they took their seats in the back of the theater.

alvaro and camila sat next to each other, mattia separating camila from elleah who sat next to alejandro. kairi and roshaun sat at the end.

the teenagers were cracking jokes and giggling at each other when a few people turned around, telling them to be quiet. embarrassed, camila put her hood over her head and put the chair arm up, resting her head on alvaros shoulder. he kissed her forehead and her stomach went crazy with butterflies. she looked up at him and pecked his lips, earning a gagging sound from mattia. the three quietly laughed and returned to watching the movie.

by the time the movie was over, mattia was asleep and so were kairi and roshaun. the movie was funny but could have been funnier. personally, camila didn't care for the movie but she did enjoy being cuddled up with alvaro.

alejandro and alvaro took their phones out of their pockets, opening snapchat to take a picture of the three sleeping boys in front of them. laughing, alvaro smacked mattia and alejandro smacked both kairi and roshaun.

mattia opened his eyes to a bright flash and immediately stood up, reaching for alvaros phone but alvaro quickly walked down the stairs in the theater. camila laughed and grabbed her bag, following the two boys. she was followed by the rest of the group.

"so, where are we going to smoke?" mattia said, looking directly at camila. she was most familiar with florida, so she knew all the spots they can hit.

"i know of a park, cops really don't go by it at all." she said, causing the boys to nod.

"we'll follow you?" alvaro asked and camila nodded, kissing his cheek and beginning to walk away with camila by her side.

"wait, i'm in my brothers car so i'll just drive to where you parked and then you can follow me from there." she said, earning nods from the group of boys. camila walked to her brothers car, nervous to have a session with them. this was her first time smoking around alvaro, she hasn't even drank alcohol around him. she didn't want him to look at her any different.

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