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awoken to the sound of her phone going off, camila felt all around the bed. once she felt her phone in her hand, she sent the call to voicemail. while trying to get into a comfortable position, her phone began ringing again. she groaned, once again sending it to voicemail.

"cam!" she heard her brother shout from his room. she heard him knocking on her door, quickly becoming irritated. her phone was going off a third time and this time, she opened her eyes and sat up from her bed.

"can a girl get some sleep?" she shouted, grabbing her phone and looking at the caller id. it was her brother, who was also standing outside her door.

"what do you want?" camila asked, causing her brother to laugh because he can hear the irritation in her voice. he knew after he asked her this question, she would be twice as irritated.

"can you make me some breakfast?" she sighed at his question, beginning to yell at about how he needs to grow up and learn how to do things for himself. during her lecture, he hung up on her and she stared at her phone.

she walked to her drawer, searching for a pair of sweats. grabbing her black ones, she pulled them on and then searched for some socks. after quickly sliding them on her feet, she slid her feet into her nike sandals.

camila walked to the kitchen, seeing her brother who was sitting down at the island with a package of chorizo and bacon.

"can never do shit on your own." she mumbled, searching for a pan for the chorizo and a pan for the bacon. she quietly mumbled curse words as her brother laughed at her, eventually standing up to give her a hand.

"get away." she hissed, shoving him to grab the chorizo and bacon. he couldn't help but die of laughter. he missed this, his sister getting mad because he would wake her up to make him breakfast because he was too lazy to do it himself. no matter how mad or irritated she would get, she would still do it.

he walked to the living room while camila began cooking the food. he played music on the tv and sat back down at the island, scrolling through his instagram.

as she was cooking, all she could think about how everything was going so good for her. aside from the drama that just blew over, there's hasn't really been any real drama.

her thoughts traveled to alvaro, causing a smile to form on her face. though they weren't together officially, she was the happiest she's ever been with him. they're learning about each other more and more every time they hang out or talk.

alvaro was good to her, he treated her so much better than any other guy ever has. alvaro had plans on asking her out soon, but he wanted it to be special. however, they've only been talking for so long that he doubted his ideas. he consistently thought about the what if's.

what if she didn't like him enough to make it official, what if she was still talking to julian, what if he was only temporary to her.

he couldn't shake these thoughts off. every time he would see a guy in her comments, jealousy would run over him. he couldn't understand how a guy like him got a girl like her, he lacked the ability to think highly of himself.

he didn't realize how good of a person he was, or how good looking he was to camila. he thought of himself as someone that was average, someone who could easily be taken advantage of.

these were only a few of the things holding alvaro back from making her his.

camila thought so highly of alvaro. from the time they've met to now, camila has grown to care for alvaro. she had no interest in him before, but now he was all she thought about. she missed him every second of the day.

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