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two long weeks have passed since alvaro and camila have talked to each other. her parents have become concerned on why alvaro hasn't been around, but she couldn't bring herself to tell them that they broke up. they were once teenagers as well, so they figured it out themselves.

roshaun and camila have begun talking again. roshaun explained the best he can how he was only aware of the one occasion breanna and alvaro were together. after spending new year's eve with his friends, he went back with his family for the rest of the visit.

camila found comfort knowing at least one of the boys shes grown a strong bond with at least tried to stop alvaro, while the others just watched. the person she was most disappointed in was mattia. mattia has reached out to camila on several occasions, but all he got back was the read message underneath his messages.

all of alvaros friends felt like shit. they knew camila was a good girl; it was unfortunate that not only alvaro lost a good girl, but they lost a good friend. they've tried proving their worth to her by blocking breanna and sending screenshots of proof, but what good would any of that do her?

roshaun and camila walked into the lunch area together, laughing at a joke roshaun made about a random girl. they walked to the lunch line together and decided that they were both going to get lunch.

"you know, alvaro is still really sad." roshaun began. camila sighed and clenched her jaw. any talk of alvaro was not cool, and roshaun knew how she felt about alvaro being the center of their conversation yet here he was, making alvaro the center of their conversation.

"and you're telling me this because?" she turned her body so that she was fully facing roshaun. he smiled and looked down. the smile wasn't a genuine smile, more like a 'i shouldn't have brought this up' smile.

"would it hurt to talk to him, cam?" roshaun asked her, knowing her answer already. she looked at the floor and purses her lips, then nodding and turning away from roshaun.

"roshaun, there's nothing to talk about." she bit her lip. "he cheated. you, mattia, kairi, and alejandro saw it for yourselves. how can you expect me to forgive that? i shouldn't have even forgiven you or ale."

"i'm just saying, camila. he literally still wears the necklace you got him for christmas. you're all he talks about." roshaun sighed as they approached the front of the line. camila put her lunch number in and shook her head once more. "i know, he's stupid. i know, he should have thought about the consequences. i know everything you're going to say, but hear me out." he concluded.

"alvaro and breanna broke up because one, he moved. two, she was messing with hella guys right after he moved. and three, she used the distance as an excuse to break up with him." camila rolled her eyes and slammed her hands on the counter in front of her.

"dammit, roshaun!" she turned around. "i don't care about why him and breanna broke up!"

"i know! i know you don't care about that! but the only reason i'm telling you all that is because he didn't care when they broke up, cammy!" roshaun defended his argument. " alvaro is my boy and he's so fucking stupid for cheating on you, i mean look at you. you're beautiful and you've got this thing about you no other girl has. someone like you is hard to find, i don't even know how we all managed to cross paths. but of all the years i've known alvaro, he's never cried over a girl, he's never cared like he cares about you."

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