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the day was finally here and the group was beginning to get sad, coming to terms with the fact that they'll be separated until the next long break.

winter break wasn't over, but they had to go back to jersey. christmas was coming up, and it was important they get back to their families for the holidays.

the boys were packing their items while camila, elleah, alvaro, and roshaun just watched. the mood in the room was sad, it was quiet and only the movements of their packing can be heard.

"we still have the whole day, your flights aren't until nine." elleah broke the silence. elleah may have been the most heartbroken, she didn't want alejandro to leave. being together for a whole week, the two have grown attachments with one another. they couldn't say they love each other, but each of them held weight in each others heart. spending every hour of the day with someone, whether it's physically or texting/calling twenty-four seven can be damaging.

"we know." mattia replied, closing his suitcase and throwing himself on roshauns bed. the rest of the boys finished packing and sat down.

"so how do we want to spend our last day?" kairi asked, looking at the group of friends in front of him. "i don't want to spend it sad, like this."

"i mean, we've been doing things like going out." alejandro began. "how about we like.. stay in today?" he suggested.

"yeah." camila agreed. "besides, i have christmas gifts in my car for you guys."

the group of boys looked at her, they didn't expect her to buy them anything for christmas. they immediately felt bad, they didn't get her anything. only alvaro and roshaun did, but that's because it was only right in their eyes.

"you two get yours on christmas eve." she pointed to alvaro and roshaun. "but they get theirs today because i won't be able to see them on christmas eve." she explained.

"so not fair." roshaun huffed. the group laughed and shook their heads.

"well staying in it is." mattia declared.

as soon as the group of boys who were going to be headed back to jersey were finished packing, they figured it would be best to go to the store and buy some snacks for the movies they were going to watch.

there were way too many of them to fit in one car, so of course alvaro and camila would be going for sure. mattia and kairi agreed to tag along with them, the rest of the group decided to stay at alvaros house.

the group gathered in camilas car, alvaro driving and camila riding in the passenger seat. alvaro threw mattia in the backseat, even though mattia was very tall and would have greatly benefited from sitting in the front seat. luckily, his driver and friend in the passenger seat were both very short so he would have leg room either way.

the group sang their heart out to the music that played from alvaros phone. camila was beginning to get emotional, considering the fact that she hadn't felt this close to a group of people in a long time.

alvaro and his friends may have been the best thing that's happened to her. with them, she can be raw and herself. she can laugh harder than ever with them, and it genuinely sucked to her that they were all going to be separated by the distance between florida and jersey.

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