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11:21pm, Saturday


read 11:23pm

wow loser i'm kidding
read 11:28pm

ok then

jk what

i- you texted me first

oh yeah help

what happened
are you ok

no i wanna go home

where are you

a party

wow really
i thought you got kidnapped or something

treasure kidnapped me
and took me to a party

who is treasure

my best friend
my only friend

show me her

why wtf

so i can hook her up with my friend

she's taken

ok and
that's never stopped anyone


show me pls :)

she's the shorter one

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she's the shorter one

you look related
you sure you're not cousins or something

no dipshit
now help

alright calm down
i'm working on a song i cant help

at 11 at night?

daniel likes to over work
we can't leave him alone
we're brothers

oh ok

i'll come pick you up

are you insane
i don't trust you that much

why not?
you know what i look like

how do i know you're not just a catfish
everyone wants to be famous these days

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