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so ur just gonna take
the strawberries out my apartment
and post them on your instagram
like you brought them? give me credit

listen up dipshit
i'll buy you more

no i picked them out because
they looked special to me
and u just go and do this
what kind of betrayal is that

u better keep that tone down

or what

or i'll come over

mhm is that it

and put you in your place

you were the one who took my strawberries
you're like the strawberry thief
i bet you gave them to jack
your side hoe

jachary comes first

i know u did not just say that

but i did
what are you gonna do about it😌
ren u think ur so tough but babe
ur not

i could probably beat you in an arm wrestle
don't try me

you could never
i'm too much of a man

3 year old*

shut up you have a five head

jk idc lol

i want a kiss

sounds like a personal problem

well i'll go text jack then

your side hoe?
i knew it😔

renny i-
it's not what it looks like

it is
he's better than me isn't he


zach :(

baby :(

i'm not a baby

you are
you're mine

ok facts


ur so mean to me

i have a right to
i'm your boyfriend

marry me then wtf


why not

idk i panicked
i'll be zach ryans
wait no i wouldn't


wet sock


can you sing



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