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6:32am, tuesday

serenity ryansss
i will never get u chicken tenders again

take that back sir
also wtf are you doing awake at 6am

um we are facetiming
did u forget?

i just woke up

that's no excuse

fuck off dipshit

awh she's mad
when are we facetiming

well we can now but i look like a
sorry i mean shrek on drugs*

lucky for you shrek is my idol
i'll call you

i'll be waiting

third person.

Just as Zach had told Serenity, he quickly began Facetiming her, and after the first few seconds she had already accepted and it was connected.

The sun was still rising and both of their cameras were slightly dark, but Zach was clearly sat up in his bed whilst Serenity was still deep underneath her covers with her eyes partially closed.

"Someone's tired." Zach raised his eyebrows, getting no response back which made him furrow them instead, "You can't already be asleep."

"I'm trying to wake up leave me alone." She replied, shaking her head slightly as the boy smiled, "What?"

"I sound like shrek on drugs." He mocked her, rolling his eyes, "You have like the softest voice ever."

"How can a voice be soft?" She asked, looking at him through the phone as Zach shrugged.

"It just can." He replied, "It's what everyone says."

"I've never heard anyone say that." Serenity said, furrowing her eyebrows as she rubbed her eyes.

"Because you don't have any fans."

"No need to rub it in, loser." She laughed slightly, sitting up in her bed and placing her phone against a wall, "It's so early."

"I feel very refreshed." Zach said, laughing as he looked at her, "I love your hair, who did it? Shrek?"

She rolled her eyes, putting her hair up and taking her phone through to her kitchen, "Honestly you're such a bully."

"But you love it." He shrugged, grabbing his guitar, "Are you going to any parties soon?"

"I don't know, why?" She asked, placing her phone against a wall and pouring herself some apple juice.

"Want to come to the party that's happening Friday? It's such a big party you won't even know i'm there, and I won't even know where you are there." Zach explained, easing her into the topic of going to a party.

"I'll go," Serenity replied.

"That was easy to convince you." He raised his eyebrows, laughing slightly.

"I'm not telling you when i'm arriving though, so you'll never know i'm there." She smiled at him as his face dropped slightly.

"If I find you I get to hang out with you, deal?" Zach asked, "Theres hundreds of people going, trust me."

"Fine, deal." She said, nodding at him.

"I really like your voice." Zach said, looking jusr above his camera as Serenity ward someone walk into the room he was in, "Well hello Jack."

"Am I really seeing you awake at 7 in the morning?" Jack said, walking over to him, "What ya doing on your phone?"

"I'm talking to Renny." He replied as Jack took his phone out of his hand.

"Hi Serenity." Jack smiled, waving at her as she waved back, "Want to see everyone else?"

"Show me my husband first." Serenity said as Jack had already started running to the other rooms.

"Which one? Zach or Daniel?" Jack asked.


"Daniel James Seavey." Jack said, entering the room both Daniel and Jonah were in and passing the phone to Daniel.

"Why do you have Zach's phone?" Daniel asked as he saw Zach walk into the room, then looked down at the boys phone and he smiled, "It's my wife!"

"Hii." She laughed, waving at him as Zach took his phone back.

"Sorry," He mumbled as he walked back to his room, this time closing his door, "They're annoying."

"Takes one to know one Zachary." She smiled at him, "I have to go though, i'm seeing Treasure today so I need to get ready."

"I'll text you later, if that's ok?" Zach asked, pulling his covers back over him.

"It's more than ok." Serenity laughed, saying her goodbyes as the call ended.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)



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