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i gotta talk to you

dude same
first of all where have you been

stfu you have not messaged me either

i know sorry i've been on netflix

i thought you had been
but i need advice or help or whatever



oh no don't

i haven't even started yet

but pleaseeee don't tell me
he's like josh

a, we do not talk about him
b, he's no where near like him

thank god
ok please continue spilling

so, i took him to the wedding as my
plus one i suppose and it went really
well and he got on with everyone and we
had a really good night but today he's
not wanting to talk to me

did you do anything wrong?

i don't think so
i don't know what i could've done
i'm just being ignored lol

do you like him

treasure that has no relevance to this

yes it does

ok fine yes i like him
now back to the topic

message him

are you inSANE?
he won't talk to me

trust me message him


he likes you

next joke
he does not like me

yes he does wdym

there's so many girls wanting him
he wouldn't like me

yes many girls want him
but he wants you
if you don't message him
i stg

OooOooo wHaT yA gOnNa dO
bAd mAn tReAsUre

i hate you sometimes

i love you too
i'll message him

let me know how it goes :))
also sorry i didn't end up coming
on tour

yeah you're a bitch for that

ok i love you go text him

ok ok got you



hey loser

hey precious

whys you ignoring me :(

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