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third person.

"Zach told me to tell you that you look really pretty today." Jack ran over to Serenity, smiling and giving her a thumbs up before running off again.

"Jack, come here." Serenity replied as the boy turned around, "Can you tell Zach to talk to me."

"I mean I could." He shrugged, "I don't know if he wants to though."

"Tell him I want a hug." She said as the boy nodded, running off back to where Zach was sat.

A few seconds later, Zach slowly walked over to where Serenity was sat. He stopped just a few feet away and leaned against the wall, folding his arms and sighing.

Zach felt bad for not talking to her considering it was only a small misunderstanding on his part and the more he put it off, the more worried he was to go apologise to her, because he knew she'd be upset. He ignored her while in Birmingham and they had just finished their first show in Manchester, which was when the guilt was beginning to creep up on him.

"I'm sorry for not talking to you." He spoke up, scratching the back of his neck, "I misunderstood what you were trying to say and I got jealous and I don't want to lose you."

"Also, is that my hoodie that I lost a few days ago?" He asked as Serenity nodded, looking up at him and smiling, "Do you forgive me?"

"Can I have a hug?" She asked. The boy nodded quickly and went over to her, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a hug, "Yes I forgive you."

He let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you were still going to be mad."

"I never said I was mad," She gave him a small smile, kissing his cheek, "I just didn't understand why you'd think there was another person."

"I honestly couldn't tell you." Zach shrugged, looking confused himself, "I think jealously just took over me because I hadn't seen you in a few days, so I didn't know where you could've been."

"I was sad because I got no kisses or hugs and I really wanted them." The girl sighed, sticking out her bottom lip as Zach gave her another hug, "You're like a radiator."

"I was going to kiss you the morning after I got all jealous but I thought you'd reject it." He said, looking at her, "But I can give you as many as you want now to make up for it."

Placing small kisses up Serenity's neck to her lips, Zach gave her a smile and then gave her another kiss, moving their phones away from the two of them and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I don't want to be cockblock or anything." Jack interrupted them, as Zach gave him a glare, "Sorry I'll come back later."

"No you might as well speak now that you've ruined my mood." The boy sat up properly as Serenity sighed, grabbing her phone.

"We're going out for a meal tonight, are you two coming?" He asked.

Zach nodded and so did Serenity, "We might as well."

"Alrighty." Jack gave them a thumbs up, turning around to leave the two of them alone until he turned back around again, "Hey, Zach?"


"No sex before marriage." He pointed his finger at him, giving him a smile as Serenity tried not to let out a laugh.

Jack then left them alone and Zach let out a huff, folding his arms and leaning back in his seat as he looked at Serenity, who was giving him a small smile.

"Cockblock." Zach said, rolling his eyes.

"Be quiet we were not going to do that on the tour bus." She replied, resting her legs across his as she leaned against the window of the bus.

"It would've been funny if he walked in a little later though." The boy laughed slightly, "He wouldn't know what to do."

Serenity playfully rolled her eyes and pushed him ever so slightly before silence fell between them for a few seconds, as the boy let out a happy sigh.

"My mom wants to meet you." He looked up at her, "And so does Reese."

"They know about me?" She asked, slightly confused considering she couldn't remember a time where he had talked to them with her beside him.

"You're almost all I talk about." Zach laughed, nodding his head and giving her a smile, "When we go back to LA do you want to come see them with me?"

The girl smiled and nodded, "Of course I do."

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


anyways i never posted my face at all😳
let's move on x

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