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third person.

After spending Christmas with Serenity's family, the couple travelled down to the Herron's household for New Years. They had arrived on the 30th, before the chaos of travelling from everyone else on the 31st, most of the city desperate to celebrate the new year with their family.

And as Serenity was slowly introduced to the members of the family that didn't live in the house they were staying in, such as the cousins, grandparents etc. It was clear that all of them were fond of Serenity.

"I'll be back." Zach said to his girlfriend over the music playing through the house. The girl nodded and looked at him, placing a kiss on his cheek as the boy grabbed his phone and went upstairs.

"Where has Zach gone?" Reese asked Serenity, looking towards the stairs as she shrugged.

"Upstairs, but he said he'll be back." She smiled at her, but even she had her doubts about what he was doing.

Reese nodded, staying by Serenitys side so that she didn't feel lonely while Zach was elsewhere even if they were sat together in silence.

"How long have you and Zach been dating?" Reese asked her, taking the scrunchie off of her wrist and putting it on hers, "I like this scrunchie."

"You can keep it if you want, It'll look better on you anyway," Serenity replied, earning a smile and a hug from Reese, "We've been together about 6 months."

"That's long. Does he annoy you?"

"Very," She raised her eyebrows, "But in a good way. Does he annoy you?"

"Yes. Especially when he makes loud noises for no reason." Reese said, rolling her eyes at the thought of it, "But I love him and I do miss him when he's away on tour."

"Oh so do I, I have no one to go get chicken tenders with when he goes away." Serenity said, looking at Reese as the girl furrowed her eyebrows.

"You can always take me." Reese suggested as Serenity smiled at her, "Or we could even go for Ice cream."

"I'll keep that in mind, I bet you're more fun than Zach."

"You can take me too," Ryan joined in, sitting down opposite them, "I'll feel left out if you didn't take me."

"And me." Zach said, making Serenity jump slightly as he laughed, "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Taking us out for Ice cream when you go on tour." Reese explained, shrugging and smiling, "Renny is my favorite person ever, bye." She said before running off into the kitchen.

"Does she know Renny is my nickname for you?" Zach asked as the girl stood up, shrugging, "I hope you're not replacing me with her."

"I would never." She smiled at him, kissing his cheek as they went to go join the rest of the party, to finally celebrate the new year. 

The rest of the night went smoothly, and the pair were enjoying themselves a little too much, Myta had allowed them to have a drink or two, and once she had her eye off of them they decide to have just a few more drinks, until both of them could barely stand up properly.

So they were sat down on the couch together, Serenity's legs over Zach's lap as they were talking to each other, laughing every five seconds.

"You're the prettiest girl in the world." Zach raised his eyebrows, pointing at her, "I'd marry you."

"Don't point." She said with a slightly angry tone, moving his hand away from her, "It's rude."

"You're rude." His tone of voice quickly changed, giving her a slightly angry look as he rolled his eyes, "I'm older than you."

"I'm smarter than you." She argued back, making herself laugh with the comeback as she clapped her hand once.

"I want a divorce now." Zach folded his arms, just as the people from the party all crowded in the living room, ready to count down to the new year. 

As it reached 11:59, a minute before midnight, Zach and Serenity were sat smiling at each other, every so often letting out a small laugh. Myta smiled at the pair of them, before everyone staring counting down from 20.

"I just gotta say, I'm glad you're in my life and I can't waittt to spend the rest of next year with you and the year after that and then after that and whatever comes after that," Zach told her, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it, "I love you very much."

"I love you very much too." She replied, placing a kiss on his hand too as they joined in with the countdown.

Once the clock struck midnight and cheers were heard from the crowd of people in the house, Zach and Serenity shared a quick new years kiss, before the boy had cuddled into her and watched the TV, which was displaying the fireworks happening somewhere else in the country.

That was where they had stayed for the rest of the night, cuddled up together on one end of the couch in the living room, the party had eventually ventured back to the kitchen, and the couple had fell asleep just gone three after having a conversation about their futures, and agreeing that they'd want each other to be in theirs.

But by the next morning the conversation would've been forgotten, their talk about future and marriage while under the influence would be swept under the rug, unless one of them had surprisingly remembered it.

It was just a matter of if they'd tell the other person or not.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


1) i'm going to whip out another update of this tonight
2) i'm working on a new book <3

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