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third person.

When Zach woke up the next morning, the first thing he did was text Serenity even if he thought she was on the bunk below him.

He got down from the bunk and went to the back of the bus, grabbing a hoodie and putting it on before he saw a bright pink sticky note on the table, next to a polaroid.

Zach furrowed his eyebrows, sitting down by the table and reading it.

sorry for being awkward i just didn't
want to say goodbye and upset either of us
anyways i went back to LA ( not my apartment
because toxic ex tingz ) i'm with my family
but here's a polaroid of us so that we both have one. i'll see you when you get back for your break :) you can do the very last show, i'll be here for you to rant when you get here

lots of love renny <3

"No no no," Zach shook his head and grabbed his phone, calling Serenity's number a few times before she finally picked up the phone.

"It's early for you to be awake." Serenity told him.

"You're back in LA?" Zach asked her, hearing a sigh as he frowned, "When did you leave?"

"About midnight." She said, "I didn't want to make you upset because I knew you wouldn't do the show."

Zach leaned back in his seat, putting his palm to his forehead and sighing, "Okay."

"Are you mad?" Serenity asked, "I'm sorry."

"I could never be mad at you." Zach told her, picking up the polaroid and taking a look at it, smiling slightly, "See you when I get back?"

"As soon as you get back." Serenity said, a smile on her face as they both said bye and ended the call.

Zach put the polaroid and the sticky note inside his wallet, a place where it was easily accessible for him whenever he wanted to look at it or read the note.

Soon after, the rest of the boys woke up and they all started their day together, full of interviews and then finally doing their last show of the America 8 Letters Tour. As much as Zach didn't think he could do the show or even concentrate as much as he had been able to, he got through it and managed to have a great time even if him and Jonah were not on the best terms at that moment.

After they finished the show, they took their last walk back to the bus and stopped outside it to talk to the fans who were waiting by it for them and because they had some time before they made their journey home, talking to fans would be something that they were practically dying to do.

For the next hour or so, they took photos, had conversations and had many laughs with the small group of fans outside the venue. But that didn't stop Zach from constantly being on his phone to text back Serenity.

Corbyn was the first one to notice it and before Jonah even could, he went over to Zach and spoke a little quieter than usual to him, "I'd just keep it in your pocket so Jonah doesn't see."

"How'd you know who i'm texting?" Zach asked him.

"It's the only person you actually check your phone for." Corbyn said, a smile on his face as Zach nodded and shrugged in agreement as he put his phone back in his pocket.

Zach went over to the group of fans he was yet to see before the band was to go inside the bus, and took photos with them all one by one.

"Zach I have a question." A fan said to him, a bright smile on her face as he turned to face her, "Are you dating Serenity?"

He shook his head as he smiled, "No we agreed to be just friends."

"Would you date her?" The fan asked.

Zach shrugged, folding his arms, "I don't know, she's a really good friend of mine and we don't like each other like that."

By now a few other fans were interested in the conversation and some had their phones out to take photos of Zach or to get a few videos, which was when Zach took a few small steps back.

"She hasn't got the best personality anyway." A different fan said, shrugging as Zach looked over at them, "Shes just a bit plain."

"You could do so much better Zach." Her friend told him as the rest of the fans glared at them, before they all turned back to Zach.

Zach frowned, but tried his hardest not to show it. He gave them both a half smile before putting his hand up as a wave, "Good night guys."

After waving to them, he headed inside the bus and waited for the other four to come on, and although what the two fans said upset him, he couldn't show it because no one knew they were dating.

He knew that Serenity wasn't a plain person and that you had to know her well enough to know that her personality was all over the place, which is why he didn't want to comment on what the fans had told him.

And even though they said that he could do so much better, he didn't want better and all he wanted was to be with her and let everyone know about it.

(˚୨୧🧸⋆。☁️˚ ⋆ 🍂)


hi i've decided to do a face reveal
that will be deleted in the next half an hour to an hour probs
so hi here you go if u got here early
update i got rid of it :)

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