❤ | davekat 1

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   It was basically any normal 'romantic' night for Dave and Karkat. Karkat usually would have put on some romcom that Dave complained about until 30 minutes in, and beforehand Karkat would try his hand at cooking some normal human food for the both of them, Dave ending up eating it all anyways.
   A bit further into the movie, they cuddled like usual. Dave sprawled out onto his couch, one leg hanging off the edge and the other bent slightly. Karkat would be on top of his matesprit, arms gently wrapped around the other boy's neck as he snuggled into his chest.
   "karks. your hair is literally in my face. have you ever considered taming that wild fucking bird's nest of curls?"
   "HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED NOT BEING AN IRONIC NOOKSUCKER FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE?" Karkat quickly shot back, without even a beat.
   "wow. guess that answers my question then." Dave had this certain look on his face. He didn't have that coolkid look, mainly because his sunglasses were off and he was smirking. Not a coolkid smirk, just a normal smirk. The look in his eyes when he smiled at Karkat made the troll's heart absolutely melt.
   The arguing was a usual thing for the couple, though it was more like friendly banter. It was especially normal when things were getting heated between the two, sexual or not.
   "I FUCKING HATE THIS." Karkat chimed, still keeping his eyes locked on the TV screen.
   Because of his boyfriend's sudden hate for the romcom, he grabbed the remote and simply turned it off. After a second of the two boys exchanging odd looks to each other, Karkat scooted up closer to Dave's face.
   "yo, karkitty. whatcha doin'?" Dave smiled genuinely and sweetly.
   And, with that, Karkat answered the human's question with a soft kiss on the lips, the troll shifting his hands up to Dave's cheeks, rubbing circles with his thumbs. Dave, of course, happily returned the kiss, however his hands slowly and gently drifted down to Karkat's hips, lifting his shirt only to expose some skin. Fingers laid across medium-grey flesh.
   Karkat pressed up against Dave, their hair entangled and lips locked. Only after a few moments would the troll pull away to get a breath of fresh air, and then dive right back in. Only this time, Karkat became progressively rougher.
   A few more moments and the two would part again.
   "woah. someone's in a mood tonight, aren'tcha karks?" Dave teased, his eyes looking relaxed while his face flushed a soft pink tint. Usually, he would be the one topping by now. He didn't get a response from Karkat, who's hands now gripped Dave's shoulders. His claws dug in without him realizing it.
   Karkat earned a head tilt and a slight back arch from Dave.
   "shouldn't you grab a bucket?" The boy cooed, his words making Karkat lock eye contact with his lover. He stared into Dave's red eyes, almost squinting.
   "Fuck buckets." Karkat's voice softened from sounding crabby.
   Dave gave him a look that said something along the lines of: wow, that's a first.
   And with that, their exchange was over. Karkat's hands worked quickly as he took Dave's shirt off, and after that was done, he took Dave's hands in his own, pinning him to the couch.

   Karkat continued with kissing Dave, getting harsher and harsher. After a while, his lips parted slightly as he asked for entrance with his tongue. Dave agreed, of course, after his usual ordeal of being stubborn. Karkat explored the other boy's mouth while letting go of one of Strider's hands, his hand slowly drifting down the boy's side, earning a quiet moan. The troll's hand worked, without hurrying, as he took the other's belt off and unbuttoned his pants.
   "h-holy shit. calm yourself." Dave's free hand would raise up to Karkat's curly hair that he complained about earlier, and began to play with it just to bit without tugging. "slow and sweet. make it count." The human practically whined.
   Karkat, of course, would obey. He slowed down a bit until his lover was ready; in the meantime, he would grip one hand onto his lover's hip, and whispered soft nothings into Dave's ear in an attempt to calm down, as he had asked. After a few minutes of this, Karkat would swallow;
   "Flushed for you," Saying that to Dave always made him melt in his touch.

"flushed f-for you." Dave giggled out, the look in his eyes signaling he was, for the most part, as ready as he could be.
   Karkat scooted down just a little bit so that his head was now level with Dave's neck and he began sucking at his skin. The troll left a variety of hickies before he started biting without drawing blood from the human's flesh, which always managed to make Dave a mess of moans and gasps.
   With this going on, Karkat's claws dug deeper into Dave's hip and left scratch marks while his hand moved to remove Dave's belt, which Karkat and unbuckled earlier. He stopped action for a bit to take off his own sweater.
   Dave was simply begging for attention at this point. Karkat basically teased him with the rate at which he was taking his sweater off, unbuckling his belt, and unbuttoning his pants.
   "Enjoying the show?" Karkat would tease furthermore, earning a whine from Strider.
   "please. j-just get on with i-it."
   "On with what?"
   Dave didn't respond. He only looked up at Karkat with pleading eyes.
   "Use your words, baby." The troll said gently, though somehow managing to sound aggressive at the same time.
   "u-uh. heh." He smiled innocently, furrowing his brows at Karkat, who was still taking his sweet time.
   "Tell me what you want."
   Just as Karkat was finishing, Dave's hands made their way to Karkat's hips and he pushed the other down onto his awaiting member, his pants still partly on. The troll would grunt quietly.
  "p-please," Dave would whimper.
  "Anything for you," Karkat smiled, before adding: "be good."
   Karkat then slid off Dave's pants so that his boxers were exposed. He was smirking at the sight before him, and took just a moment to start grinding. Dave became even more of a mess of moans, being so sensitive down there. Karkat would shortly lean forward onto Dave again, before reaching back to slip the boy's boxers off.
   Strider's erection sprang out. Karkat wouldn't take off his own boxers yet, no matter how much he also wanted the friction, knowing it would come soon enough.
   Karkat laid his head on Dave's chest and inserted a digit into Dave, who almost immediately moaned out from the sudden pleasure. And then he would insert another, and begin scissoring.
   "Gog, you're so fucking wet. I haven't even done that much yet." Karkat would continue to tease, only making Dave whine and gasp more.
   It was a few more minutes of this until Karkat would finally take off his own boxers and position himself at Dave's entrance, without much of a need for lube. His matesprit was wet, and Karkat's bulge was.. slimy. He didn't give Dave a warning before thrusting in.
   "f-fuck!.. hah. y-you're-"
   Before Dave could finish, Karkat would already be going rhythmically fast. He needed the friction, and desperately wanted it.
   "fuck! h-holy fuck- pl-lease-" Dave would say in-between moans, "sl-ower. go s-slower."
   "F-fine then," Karkat cooed. "Have it y-your way."
   He then proceeded to be the worst tease ever, and go painfully slow.
  "y-you," Dave swallowed, "are a fu-ucking bitch."
   After at least a minute of Karkat going as slow as possible, Dave began bucking his hips in order to gain some speed without him realizing it. His eyes were almost shut as Karkat chimed again,
   "I thought y-you wanted slow. Did I take it the wrong way? A-are you needier than I previously thought?" He smirked up at his lover.
   Just the statement alone made Dave moan. If Karkat were to continue with whatever show he was putting on, he wouldn't be dealing with it.
   "f-fuck me, you dumbass."
   Karkat obeyed, like he always did. It didn't take much for the two to climax, and when they did, they would of course finish and clean up. And it was just a bit messier this time since Karkat decided against using any kind of bucket, which also resulted in more banter between the two boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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