Itch to scratch

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Anderson : 

I felt the new mark on my chest, and it burned, but not a bad kind, like a candle or a lighter was inches from my skin, warming it, but not burning. I walked to the library with Cerberus, and sat down on the small love seat. Cerberus sat across from me, glaring. 

" What possessed you to intercept and take the mark? You have to be insane to want to be with her." 

" I don't know, a part of me just took over and it was done before I had time to register and stop. I don't even remember moving to intercept it, to be quite frank." 

" Would you allow me to rummage around in your head? Maybe if I can get a good look at what's going on up there, it can help us both." 

" I guess, just- will it hurt?" 

" As long as you don't resist or move, it shouldn't."

Cerberus got up, and placed two fingers each on my temples, his gold locked with mine. 

" Close your eyes, and breathe as if you were meditating." 

I did as instructed, regulating my breathing as I felt a sharp pull onto my brain, until I felt my skin start to itch. Flashes of memories flickered before my eyes; Me getting my cross and rosary at 10, me getting my first lesson with a blade at 15, me getting the surgery that made me a Regenerator at 18, me killing my first freak not even a few days after my surgery. The memories kept coming, until I started seeing something else, memories, sure, but not my own.  Memories of a brunette girl at 5, being carted away, of the same girl at 16 killing a mental health nurse with a spoon, her laughter echoed in my brain. The more of the girls memories I saw, the older the girl got, I started to realize that these were Caedis' memories. I felt what she felt, her hurt and pain, her confusion and blood lust, her distress and sense of hopelessness. 

" Alex, come back to earth, wake up!" 

I snapped my eyes open, my breathing was all over the place, Cerberus was in front of me, look of serious concern. 

" Are you alright? I lost you back there. What happened?" 

" I saw her memories, Caedis' memories, from when she was human." 

" I see. What did you see, if you can give specifics." 

" I saw her getting hauled off at 5 to a mental asylum, at 16 when she killed someone for the first time. I felt all of her emotions at once. She is so far down the misery rabbit hole, it would be impossible to save her and cleanse her soul." 

" And now you see why Typhon wanted her. She is evil incarnate. Always has been, always will be. You can't change someone as far gone as her." 

" But here's the thing about that, I don't condemn her for feeling like she does. No one has ever shown her kindness, and when someone does, she reacts maliciously, like its a cruel joke of her design." 

" That is why she was renamed as Caedis, as murder. She loves to kill, to slaughter, to destroy." 

I sighed, and walked over to a mirror that hung in the library, unbuttoning my dress shirt and pulled my under shirt to the side to look at the mark. It was simple, but yet complex. I traced it, and it was definitely warm, but some how, it was a comfort. It was small enough, my hand could cover it, but it was also very brazen in that it was bright crimson red, like the blood used to bind it. It reminded me of the brand on the back of Alucard's gloves, and how they were a binding sort of magic as well. Cerberus came over, and looked at it, a very unhappy glare on his face. 

" There is no way to remove it. It's latched onto the heart. The only way to remove it is to kill you." 

" And I can't die by traditional means. I was built to go for days with little to no sleep, on little food, and I heal faster than I take injury."

" You are human, how is that possible?" 

" I am a Regenerator, a weapon made by the Catholic church to fight freaks and abominations of God for Iscariot. I will walk into hell knowing it was for a good cause, or at least, that's what I used to be, before this mess. Now I have no clue what I am." 

" Well, I could tell you, but I am biased, so it's up for you to decide." 

" How are you biased?" 

" It is literally my job to keep condemned souls in Tartarus, and to keep certain folk out of Tartarus. You are of a different orthodox, so you have different beliefs, but as a Old one, let me tell you something. It doesn't matter what you do or where you go, honestly it doesn't. What does matter is that you know where you wanna go, and work for getting there."

I had a sad smile at that, and felt the mark start to itch, and a flash of a forest crossed my eyes, making my head hurt. I gripped the table to keep myself from falling over. 

" I saw something, I think she wants me to go to her." 

" Where is she?" 

" A forest, I don't know exactly where. I need to go to her, I have to, the mark is telling me to." 

" Give me your phone." 

I did as instructed, and he placed a small sticker on the back, under the case where it was hidden from view. 

" Thats a GPS tracing chip. I can follow you anywhere in the world. Go to her, and I'll have everyone else pull together to make a game plan of attack." 

I nodded, and went outside, another flash of a forest, but with a lake. I knew that lake. She was in Scotland. She was at Loch Lomond. I went to grab a car, and drove to her, letting the mark guide me as to where I needed to go. 

I'm coming, my Queen, I'm coming.   

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