awkward around you

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chapter ¦ six


The class was over, Jay already knew where Stephen would be since his classes finish earlier than his. So he went there, walking hurriedly.

He wanted to ask Stephen about this awkward feeling, its worrying him. Too much. He just met Daniel so it wouldn't be fine if his first impression was, like this.

Staring intently at someone, and only them, does not make for a good first impression at all. He somehow cares about this, he didn't really think much about first impressions considering being 'the scary righthand-man' was his role in Stephen's 'gang?'

He's supposed to be intelligent at knowing how things work and how people value to him. Stephen was number one, as his sole best friend and other people were background characters (Jay and the background characters).

Now, he felt different. As he was thinking about whatever he was just thinking, he saw Stephen waiting at the school entrance (im)patiently. Jay walked over to him and said,

"Stephen, have you ever worried about your first impression on someone? " Jay couldn't put it into words or his vocabulary doesn't have that word he was looking for.
"Why are you even worrying about this? " Stephen asked, confused.
"Now, before I tell you this you have to promise me not to tell anyone but yourself. " Jay replied, he was serious and did not want a single soul, except Stephen, to know about this.
"U-Uhh, okay? Go on. "
"I think I was staring too much at Daniel. " Jay scratched his head.
".....Y-You're fucking serious? Jay, that was it?! You wasted this suspense building up and reduced it to small tiny atoms! " Stephen stopped, shouting at him which gave a bit of attention to the two as other people, mostly students, walking by.
"Yes I'm fucking serious Stephen. Look, I just feel like I can't even hold a conversation with him again even without staring at him. " Jay continued to walk as Stephen catched up to him.
"Well if you're looking for advice I got none on me and I don't know what I should say anyways. It's probably just some awkwardness between you two, " Stephen continued.
"Me and Hosuh opened up a bit to each other and even though Daniel looked like and was a fucking dick, how dare HE SAY WATER IS NOT WET! Either way, we still became like, acquaintances. Oh and Ann was nice too. She's like a small kid that will probably be put in a detention corner like me. " He shrugged and the walk to the house was quiet.

While eating dinner, Jay suddenly spoke up.

"Ever felt like people are watching us everytime we go to school and exit it? Sometimes in class too. "
"Ahem! Wh-- Ahem! Jay what the fuck? "


At the same time, Daniel was walking with Ann and decided to tell her about his unease with Jay, the blonde haired person who kept staring at him like theres no tomorrow.

"Ann.. I feel so uneasy and worried. I kinda told Hosuh about this too but since I haven't told you... " He trailed off,
"I'm scared of Jay for some reason. "
"What? " Ann looked at him with confusion.
"Like! He keeps on staring at me and the one time he didnt was when you broke the ice with the 'if we have a class where were all there'! " Daniel did a shock expression with his hands.
"Really? I thought he wasn't that bad. He was pretty smart too like the part where he said that liquid nitrogen can simultaneously kill people! Though its a weird thing to know, still cool nonetheless. "
"Why would someone know that though? " Dan asked, suspiciously.
"Boredom? I get bored sometimes, which is everyday, and I just go and look at some things like in shower-thoughts hee-hee. " Ann giggled.
"Whatever, Hosie told me he probably was a good person so hes probably right.. Why am I saying probably two times in a row now?! "
"Oh! There goes my uber, bye Danny Devito! " Ann waved him farewell.
"Goodbye! AND ALSO I AM NOT DANNY DEVITO! " Daniel angrily pointed out.

"I guess its just me now, oh well. I'll eat Elias' cooking again. " Dan walked to his house, while saying hi to some students he know here and there.


Daniel rang the doorbell and the person who opened it was none other than, Elias! His brother that's good at cooking more than he is. It was an understatement to say he was better at cooking. He's the best!

"Welcome back Dan, Mom and Dad are waiting for you. " Elias greeted him. "What happened in school? " He curiously asked.
"Oh you know, the usual, talking with Hosuh and Ann then saying hi to other people that I see in the neighborhood. " Dan said, taking off his bag and placing it down the table near the door.

As Daniel went further in, he smelt the wonder of food. Easily five stars! No, maybe more! He couldn't wait to eat it.

He greeted his parents and sat down at the chair infront of them as some small talk between his parents were more audible.

"Honey, do you know that I easily ruined her reputation? She's such a bad example. Probably why her daughter ran away with all the money aren't I right? " His mom ran off her mouth.
"I forgot to tell you, Edward told me something. His wife was gonna give birth to a new baby girl! Isn't that great? "
His father said something else.
"Really? Our old childhood friend is racking up more children. Isn't Belle still beautiful? No wonder why her children have her looks! "

Daniel heard about this, Edward and Belle, who are they anyway? Also childhood friend?

While he was thinking, the food was on the table and what his parents said was vanished on his mind. He eagerly ate it with his merry  family.


an - ey my word count is 974! aint this great? also stephen is a bit more nicer in this au cause i can. and you cannot tell me otherwise.

also daniel's parents and hosuh's parents are childhood friends who all were in the same *mafia* in the past. they were teens that time--- and they continued till they were adults.

they decided to lay low since they stopped. edward was like original stephen when running the so called mafia. belle was the advisor or second in command.

stephen's parents are overseas dealing with business and jays... dead.

anyways thanks for 300+ reads! this bleeeew up real quick. also please note that i am weak to compliments and i am more suited to giving them----

and as always, if there are mistakes.. sorry because my phone is at 23%

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