art department

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chapter ¦ nine? (side story)

its more of a side story but some of it is canon to the story. it also introduces the A.R.T department, which stands for Assasination Required for This Department. This happens in Tuesday before Bella got introduced.



The ART Department was a special one. A really, really special one that even students gossip about it often. It wasn't because the people in the department are out of the ordinary, but it's because..

"Don't you think it's really weird? " A student blurted out.
"What do you mean something is really weird? I don't follow you. " Another student spoke up, in a confused tone.
"The so-called 'ART Department,' its so weird. The members there have little to no talent in drawing but in other stuff. " The student said while eating his chips in the noisy cafeteria.
"Duh, it's called 'ART Department' for a reason. Art has different meanings like what you said, drawing. But it could also mean music. " The other one argued.
"No, no. Sure, there are some of them that can draw but that grey-haired kid is the only one with the drawing talent. Everyone else either play cards, great at shooting games and getting information. " The student shrugged like it was no big deal.
"You're right. That guy or girl.. you know, that person with very tired face with messy black hair? Their only talent seems to be drinking coffee to wash the 'pain' away. " The other student added.
"Welp, that's a really weird department. The other one with red hair drinks beer all the time... isn't that like.. bad? " The student awkwardly said.
"Sheesh, there's already people who manipulate people and even people who bully others in the most.. eh... yeah I'm not gonna say anymore. " The other student then sighed deeply.


It was a normal day in the ART Department with gifted individuals in a room together. Fortunately, Hosuh wasn't in the meeting today as it's exclusively for the so-called gifted individiuals.

A bit of small talk filled the room as the people present waited for the other people that were late to arrive. And when all the members excluding Hosuh were there, AJ (Mafia Jay) decided to speak up.

"As you might know, this meeting here is about our client. He, specifically hired all of us to take part in it. " AJ said, his eyes make him seem more intimidating.
"...Yeah.. what are we gonna do though...? " Jamie lazily asked, they haven't got any sleep ever since drinking coffee for a day straight just to do their job.
"I agree with Jamie, what are we all gonna do anyways? " Bella chimed in, very skeptical.
"Well, we have to spy.. and get information apparently. There's five people included. Actually, the client got a bit worried over something and wanted some people to check. " AJ answered, reading a portfolio with a uninterested expression.

"Oh my, that's a surprise. He does know what our job is, am I correct? If he wants an informant or spy, Pau and Jamie should be enough. " Ivu narrowed her eyes slightly to AJ, a bit annoyed.
"Client says, he doesn't care and he just wants the five of them to be monitored. Also, you're gonna be paired with other different people if you decide to follow them back to their house. " Jay bluntly said, and stared at her back.
"Okay, okay! I'll take it! AJ, who are the clients? Also stop with the staring contest. " Pau cheerfully said, she wanted to lighten up the tension between Jay and Ivu.

"Apparently it is our latest member Hosuh Lee, popular Daniel Lim, madonna Annabelle Melodify, Stephen Ng and Jay Ko. Anyone else who wants to participate? " AJ said which caused the other members to rise their hands, except Ivu hesitated a bit until she gave in.
"How about you Shai? You seem quiet today. " He turned around to Shai(ra) which is at unease.
"I will.. I just get a bad feeling as apart of my detective insticts.. But sure I'll take it too. " Shai(ra) shrugged with a slightly worried face.
"Okay so we got me, Shai, Pau, Bella, Jamie and Ivu also Mona. " She seemed like part of the scenery as she almost never talks.
   After exchanging a few more talks, the meeting was concluded and ended succesfully. Everyone now went back to whatever they did before the meeting started.


    And as always when school is done and everyone can be free, Ivu goes to the casino with her usual outfit, not a uniform. Even if you looked at her from afar or up close, her angelic face never fails to amaze people.

As usual, she goes to different casinos nearby and play card games. Not for money, but for entertainment. She enjoys playing cards when she was younger and used to best people during card games.

The unsatisfying victory always make her irritated but her face is monotone and angelic at the same time. Winning card games is her best card at every talent she can have.

Not even assasination can compare, playing cards is the purest form of entertainment. If someone, someone can challenge her or beat her, Ivu would be very satisfied and bitter.

Satisfied that someone gave her a challenge and bitter that she lost a game she wholeheartedly plays. She's the King and Queen in the deck, while her opponent is a mere Soldier.

As she tricks her opponent in a false sense of victory and hope, she crushes them like ants as she reveals her deck. Luck is her strong point and not a single person can beat her in that.


AN - ivu is a bit more.. fancier here and her way of speaking is more polite and ara ara uwu~ and sorry for any mistakes

also, hosuh's birthday is right now omg!! im gonna write a short chapter in my other book which you can check iny account about hosuh's wholesome birthday.


sorry. anyways, im gonna go write the short happy birthday chapter in my kther book. see ya---

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