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chapter ¦ sixteen

an - part two of motive and murder. where hosuh murders amberonni.


Shut up Hosuh. It's my time to shine, not you. After school, I'll go on the same direction as hers, but before that I might aswell grab a weapon like a baseball bat.

Hosuh's classes was done so he went to the rooftop while trying to get rid of these dark thoughts. He remembers in his childhood when he grabbed a knife and almost cut himself.. well, what he cut was a vegetable. He forgot what it was, it was a long time ago.

When he got to the rooftop, he noticed Stephen and.. Jay? Did Dan or Ann invite him? Hosuh invited Stephen but who invited Jay? Ah, it seems he's late.

"I'm sorry that I was late, my classes ended more late than usual. " Hosuh lied,  he was in the bathroom trying to supress the dark thoughts of his.
"Don't worry Hos! I just got here too! " Ann said with a thumbs up.
"By the way, thanks for inviting me Dan. " Jay slightly smiles at Dan.
"Well, I'm glad you could make it. Did Hosuh invite you Stephen? " Dan asks.
"Ofcourse! Why else would I be here? " Stephen crossed his arms.

They were talking very loudly. It didn't matter though since no one is here other than them. Hosuh was thinking about it, could he really kill Amberonni? Even if it wasn't her, would he kill anyone?

I want to kill her. She's a thorn and just because she's beautiful doesn't mean all roses don't have thorns at all. Stephen shouldn't go near her, he should be here with me and my friends and everything will be alright, Hosuh.

While Hosuh was thinking, the glimmer on his eyes disappeared. Jay noticed this and got suspicious, is he gonna do something. He thought of it, and Jay will have to ask Hosuh himself.

"—And Hosuh, would you rather kill someone because they hate you or kill someone because you hate them? " Dan directed the attention to Hosuh.
"Ah! Uhh.. the second.. option? " Hosuh nervously says.
"Well, that's unusual but it's your turn to ask! " Ann chirped.
"Then.. I choose Jay. " Hosuh points at said person.
"Would you rather have anything from a 25 mile radius fall from the sky or have mind reading powers? " Hosuh asked Jay.
"Have anything fall from the sky. Dan told the side effects of the superpowers. I had to choose something else. " Jay complained.


School was over, quite a timeskip right? Jay decided to ask Hosuh now. And he did ask him.

Jay approached him, "Hosuh. What are you gonna do? " he said in a very, serious tone.
"Gah! I-It's nothing Jay! I promise, I'm just going somewhere. That's all. " Hosuh blurted out.
"Hosuh, I know what you are gonna do and trust me, you're gonna regret it. Unless it's not murder or you're actually cold-blooded. " Jay warned him and went to Stephen before the great Stephen notices Jay is gone.

He found out. Well, he won't say anything, Hosuh herr has the ability to make anyone have a false sense of security when I'm with them. Though it won't work on Jay, it would work on that thorn. Also, Jay should know why I'm gonna kill her anyways. He just warned me.

Hosuh walked quietly while following Amberonni's group of friends. He has a knife he got from wandering around the school kitchen. He wonders why no one saw grab it, but he put it into his bag. Too bad he didn't get a baseball bat.


sorry for interrupting but we gonna go on first person pov. i suck at it so thats why im trying to improve myself and also because i totally didnt search up 'how to write a murder scene'.



I was gonna go out with my girl friends today for bowling because we were bored and had nothing to do. Though I did say kinda.. weird stuff when I talked about Stephen, my feelings were real and geniune. This feeling was like from my first love, before he dumped me ofcourse.

But today is not a day for sad stuff, I mean, me and my best friends are finally all bonding! It made me happy since it's been a month since we all kinda drifted out due to school and also because I want to have a new life and not be a person who breaks people's hearts. I graduated from that!

"Hey, you know that student called Hosuh Lee? He has that unusual grey hair. " Ashley asked the others.
"Oh that guy? He's really shy so why are you even asking that? " Leah recalled.
"Oh nothing. A friend of mine told me that he and Stephen were friends and that Stephen himself hangs out with Hosuh a lot. There's also him going to the rooftop where Daniel and Annabelle go to eat. " Ashley talked more and more, geez she's such a gossip machine.

I giggle all the sudden so Ashley asked me why I was laughing but I assured her it was nothing, since it really was nothing but because I love my best friends all so much. I'm just jelous of Hosuh being friends with Stephen, maybe I could ask Hosuh to introduce me to him...

While I was thinking of things that would probably not happen, we finally arrived at DoodlePlan Bowling. I dont know how to do bowling so I hope my friends teach me..

"Uhm.. I need help please. " said a kind and gentle voice. I turned around to see a cute silver-haired (or grey-haired?) person.
"What do you need help for? " I asked, he or she seems really troubled.
"Can you come with me? " they asked, looking at the ground.
"Sure! I'll come with you. " He seems nice enough, I mean, it's fine to go with him but—
"I promise it'll be quick! You don't have to ask them. " they urged me to come and grabbed me by the wrist, forcefully.
"O-Ouch! You can stop grabbing me, I'll walk. " I caress my wrist, it left a red spot.

We began walking, and I soon noticed that we were walking farther and farther away from the DoodlePlan Bowling place. It's too quiet and there's little to no light at all.

"Thank you for walking with me. I appreciate that. " the person says, grabbing something from their bag.
"It's fine, it's fin— " I was cut off. Cut off from fear from the knife of my throat.
"A question, do you like Stephen Ng? " the kind voice wasn't there, only a cold one.
"P-Please, I don't wanna die.. Pleas— " I stammered, wet tears falling out of my eyes.
"Answer the question. " they pressed the knife on my throat.. it hurts.
"I-I do.. please don— ..... gah! " I was thrown on the ground and they started on stabbing my chest.. it hurts.. I don't wanna die.
"You answered truthfully, but since you saw me, I'll still kill you. " were the last words I heard. Mom, Dad, my cat and my friends... I love you all so dearly..


an - motherfuck that took three days to write while also trying to write the side story in my other book (SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTING). anyways, have this. i hate everything and its new years eve so i cant do stuff.

and as always, if theres any mistakes.. correct them yourselve--- just comment it and ill correct it since theres a chance i lost my mind and forgot what happened.

subject : murder (aop ft. danplan)Where stories live. Discover now