a suggestion

830 31 13

chapter ¦ ten

an - it is now thursday in the story, i didnt include them exiting because.. that would ruin the moment with stephen and jay's bond together. so yea! thursday! see the end for more notes.


Daniel groans as he wakes up for another day of school. He does the usual routine of his usual things and he goes downstairs for breakfast. This time, his parents are louder than before when talking. And Elias is there eating!

"Goodmorning Mom, Dad and Elias! Don't you have work to do today, Elias? " Daniel sat down as he asked Elias.
"I thought why not be a little late. It isn't that busy in the mornings. " Elias answered, eating breakfast.
"Oh! Sweetheart, don't you know that Belle will invite us to her baby shower? Isn't that great? " His mother said, smiling brightly.
"Really dear? Eddy told me that too when we met up last night. " His father then said.
"Well isn't this exciting? " His mother squealed in delight.

As Dan was eating, he listened to his parents talking. How come they have so many things to say everyday? But he didn't mind, atleast his family was lively everyday. His parents thought him everything they knew and told him it will be fine.

When he was done, he said goodbye to his parents and Elias then walked to school. He met up with Ann on the way as usual then the two met up with Hosuh. Same as usual.

He longed for atleast, something else to happen. Doesn't matter what, good or mediocore, he just wants something new to happen in this daily routine.

As he was thinking and his two friends chatting, the bell ringed and he had to get to class. He said his goodbyes to the two and headed out.


While his class was ongoing, he noticed a familiar short light blue-haired girl at his front. It was Ivu! He probably didn't notice since he was thinking of a plan to make something happen.

"..Hey Ivu! I need your help, can you turn around?  " Daniel whispered, not to get any attention from his teacher.
"Hello Dermit, we can just talk normally this way. It will not raise any suspicion from the teacher. " Ivu, in turn, whispered as well. Her tone a bit more polite but,
"I.. am.. not... Dermit..! " Dan said under his breath but still loud enough for Ivu to hear clearly.
"Yes, yes.. What help do you need? " Ivu asked.
"I need help for a plan, a suggestion should be nice. I want to do something new actually. " Dan answered.
"It has been a while since you made a plan. A sleepover should be fine, no? Hosuh told me it has been three years since you three had one. " Ivu replied, turning around to face Daniel.
"...Yea, we haven't did a single sleepover after that. Thanks Ivu, thanks for the suggestion. " Daniel thanked Ivu, graciously.
"The pleasure is mine, Dermit. " Ivu smiled gently while giving a thumbs up.
"I, said.. I'm not Der— "


The classes went on and he felt bored. He was bored like Ann, but because he wanted to do something new. Not because he was bored everyday and had nothing to do. So he took what Ivu said to heart and walked upstairs to the rooftop.

As he was walking to their usual spot in the rooftop, very eager to tell the two about Ivu's suggestion to his plan.

"Hey guys! How was class? " Daniel exclaimed, sitting down.
"Mhm.. yeah.. " Hosuh replied, but is visibly spacing out.
"Don't worry, Hosie here was binging some anime and he didn't get enough sleep. And class was boring. " Ann crossed her arms.
"Like always, anyway— We should have a sleepover at Hosuh's house again! We haven't done in ages! " Dan shouted, though no one else would really hear it since the rooftop is pretty empty.
"Good idea! I was getting bored everyday and in Sati to Sundi too! Hey Hosuh, let's have a sleepover at your house! " Ann began shaking Hosuh which caught him out of his trance.
"Eh, yeah?— Oh! Uh, sure.. when? " Hosuh blinked a lot to get his sleepiness out of the way.
"At Saturday, we could probably invite the ART department. " Daniel suggested.

"....Actually, they're all busy. Let's invite someone else, shall we? " Hosuh said. He still remembered yesterday.
"Aw! I wanted Pau to come but alright. Should we invite Stephen and Jay? Since Danny here forgave Jay. " Ann pounted then suddenly grinned at Daniel.
" Uh? Sure. I mean yea I did, w-why are you grinning? " Daniel stuttered, why is Ann looking at him like that.
"Oh nothing! It's just my instict told me to do that. I'll invite the two since why not? " Ann still grinned, she wouldn't wipe the grin off just yet.
"Sure Ann, I do have something to do after school so I won't be able to ask them. " Hosuh suddenly said, he was quiet the whole time.
"Thanks Ann. I was called by my teacher to help him with something too. " Dan thanked her.
"That's rare. But anyways, let's eat! " Ann eagerly opened her lunch box.
"But I already ate mine— " Hosuh was cut off by the power of timeskip.


The bell is ringing which meant it was time to go home. Dan and Hosuh said their goodbyes to Ann as the two went separate directions.

She was gonna try and find Stephen and Jay but she had no luck still as she's too short to look for them.

So, she got up a bench and started looking for them and she saw two familiar faces. Ann approached them.

"Hey Stephen! And Jay! Wanna come to a sleepover at Hosuh's house? " Ann asked.
"Ann! You scared me, you're so short that I didn't notice you! Literally! " Stephen screamed but not that loud.
"That's a yes from the two of us, if you're wondering. " Jay answered, humming slightly.
"Okay, thanks! It's on Saturday so go to the rooftop tomorrow! See you there, bye! " Ann waved goodbye to the two.

Stephen and Jay waved back as they saw Ann go in a seperate direction from the one they're taking.


an - 1026 words! greatt! and i literally just put their craziness bar at 2 because.. this is a light hearted fanfic with lotta fluff. though i might hint some psychotic behaviour here and there, im not sure.

also i posted for wednesday which means i have a day off for two days! hah! take that! its tuesday today.

subject : murder (aop ft. danplan)Where stories live. Discover now