one; confess

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;"akaashi-san is it true that you have a crush on me?"


(name) walked into her apartment drenched in water from the heavy rain that she suffered walking through on her way home from volleyball practice. her feet and every part of her body was feeling worn out and aching. she straddled towards the bedroom door and quietly opened it. she saw her boyfriend, akaashi keiji focusing on his homework assignment and sniffling since he was sick so he didn't came to school.

how they got together was a pretty dainty experience.

;first year of high school, after school
(name) is in the girls' volleyball club and is akaashi's table partner, and the reserved setter had fallen for her.

bokuto koutaro and akaashi keiji walked out of akaashi's classroom to go to the gym for volleyball practice.


akaashi swore every single person in that hallway could hear that, including (name). he had his hands on his face so no one could see him blushing out of embarrassment, thanks to bokuto koutaro, his big-mouthed senpai. he almost regretted that he told his senpai about his feelings towards (name).
keyword: almost

meanwhile, (name) was in her classroom and was stunned when she heard her name being called out.

"(name) i think your wish is about to come true" yukie smirked and nudged her, pointing to the door to ask her to see what was happening outside the classroom.

"yukie-san!" (name) started to blush and attacked her friend.

(name) picked up her courage and went out her classroom. akaashi looked back and saw her. his heart immediately started to beat rapidly as (name) was walking towards him.

"oh uh hi (name)" akaashi tried to regain his calm composure.

(name) decided to just ask about it, there's no turning back.

"akaashi-san is it true that you have a crush on me?"

"yes that is true, i apologise for the disturbance (name)..excuse me.." akaashi bowed towards her and turned around to walk away.


akaashi felt a hand on his shoulder. he turned back and saw a flushed face.

"why are you walking away?"

akaashi looked away. he was scared of rejection.

"i like you too akaashi-san!" (name) blurted out a confession that has been keeping her agitated for awhile.

akaashi heart fluttered.

;present day
(name) flopped onto akaashi as a way to greet him hello.

"good evening (name), how was practice?" akaashi chuckled. he patted her head.

(name) sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder.

"tiring...we did a lot of practice recieving today" (name) mumbled trying to keep herself awake.

akaashi engulfed her into a hug and pulled her back onto the bed. (name) felt a sense of warmness from his fever and it felt so comfortable.

"what's wrong keiji? are you okay?"

"nothing..i just, missed you," he gave a warm smile that could make (name) heart flutter. she softly laughed.

"keiji, can we cuddle for awhile?"

"of course (name), anything for my girlfriend."


hhh so yeh i hope u enjoyed it but right now no one is reading it so big oof TvT . i really hope i can keep this up haha. well see ya readers!

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