three; love alarm

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hi shuwa here! just a side note, if you want to, you can watch the k-drama, Love Alarm which inspired me to write this! i highly recommend it cause its too cute uwu

im not going to spoil anything in this chapter! ('∀`*)


; love alarm
an app that alerts people when someone within a 10 metre radius likes them. the app will ring and will show the number of people who are in the vicinity that likes the person.


akaashi keiji is THE most popular guy in Fukurodani Academy. every girl is in love with him cause you gotta admit that he is drop. dead. gorgeous. his pretty face, his curly hair, his irresistible smile, his amazing build when he plays volleyball. heck, theres nothing more perfect than him.

when the love alarm app was released, everyone was stoked to use it as this could help people confess to their crushes.

akaashi did download the app as he was curious to find the one.


akaashi walked to school and the moment he arrived, his phone started ringing like crazy. girls around him were whispering to each other, staring at his calm self. he took out his phone and opened love alarm.

189 people within a 10m radius loves you

the numbers kept on increasing.

akaashi sighed, turned off its notification and puts his phone in his pocket when a certain owl hooted behind him.

"hey hey hey akaasheeeee! have you finished packing for our training camp?" bokuto grinned and puts his hands on his hips.

"yes bokuto-san, what about you?"

"akaashi, you already know i'm always super hyped up for this so i'm done packing!" bokuto crossed his arms proudly.

akaashi smiled and gave a thumbs up to bokuto.

the day of the training camp finally comes around and schools came to nekoma as it was their turn to host the camp.

"alright! lets do our best with zero penalties!"

"yeah!" the team cheered.


during the entire match, akaashi felt strained and a little dizzy. probably because he didn't sleep well the previous night. he sets the ball for bokuto and he tumbled to the ground. the whistle can be heard in his mind while his teammate helped him walk to the bench.

he groaned, putting his head on his hands, wishing that he didn't have to sit on the bench.

"umm, hi! are you okay?" akaashi glanced up and saw a girl giving him a waterbottle. he nodded and took the bottle.


(name) sat beside the tired boy.

"akaashi keiji right? i'm (f/n)(l/n)." (name) gave the most sincere smile akaashi has ever seen. akaashi couldn't resist to smile back.

akaashi and (name) talked the whole time when the match was played and akaashi has forgotten about the stress that he had.

"thanks for the company, (name), i really appreciate that" akaashi emotionless expression turns into an amused one.


the love alarm app rang with two phones being taken out of pockets

"oh hey so you like me huh?" akaashi glanced up and locked eyes with (name) showing her phone.

akaashi sighed lovingly.

"yes i do like you"


lol i am actually ceo of writing super shitty and short oneshots im sorry! 😔✌🏻

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