two; birthday who?

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akaashi's birthday has always been quiet and decent until his girlfriend, (name) and his best friend, bokuto showed up in his life. till then, his birthdays and even were always full of surprises and it became even more memorable every year on the fifth of december. he always wonder what the two crackheads were going to come up each year and theres no doubt that he enjoys their antics.

today, akaashi's birthday falls on a school day so there is no choice but to go to school on his special day.

weirdly enough, (name) is not the one waking him up to go to school but his loving mother.

"happy birthday akaashi dear" his mother says in her sweetest voice. akaashi flutters his eyes and his mother smiles at him.

he thank his mother and went to change into his uniform. surprisingly no text from his significant other or his best friend wishing him a happy birthday.

-time skip-

akaashi comes into the cafeteria to meet (name) and bokuto and it seems to him that it is a VERY normal day like any other.

'no surprises?' he questions himself.

he sees bokuto and (name) walking towards him.

"hi keiji!"

(name) gives him a peck on his cheek.

"hey (name)"

the three of them sits down at a nearby table and started eating. akaashi looks at them suspiciously, wondering if they actually forget what day it is.

"uh guys? do you know what day it is today?" akaashi questions them.

"it's tuesday you goldfish!" (name) chuckles.

"i event.." akaashi says softly, looking down.

(name) and bokuto looks at each other confused.

"hmm... well it can't be christmas cause thats daaaays away! i really don't know akaashiiiii" bokuto gave the most confused look he ever had and puts his hand on his chin.

akaashi raises an eyebrow

"me neither bokuto, tell us keiji!" (name) pokes him.

"ahh its nothing, nevermind.." akaashi reassures them.

akaashi does not know how this is affecting him but it did. he feels really downhearted after the conversation.

"oh and akaashi, i know today is our off-day but we had last minute plan of having a practice match with nekoma high so better be in the gym today! im ready to kick that kuroo's ass today HAHAH!" energetic bokuto rises up.

akaashi nods.

after school came around and akaashi went to the volleyball gym as he was told.

"its rather quiet in there," akaashi thinks to himself as the door suddenly opens by itself which startles him.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKAASHI!" everyone on the team and even nekoma is there singing him a happy birthday with beautiful decorations all around the gym.

(name) comes up to him with a birthday cake with lighted candles.

"happy birthday my pretty setter!" (name) beames towards him like an innocent girlfriend she is.

akaashi stood there in bewilderment trying to process what just happened. tears starts streaming down his face.

"y-you idiot" akaashi sniffs and smiles, blowing out the candles.

(name) put the cake to the nearest table and holds akaashi's warm hands.

"you know you're really gullible for believing everything that bokuto and i said earlier but it's okay i still love you," she giggles.

"i love you too and thank you so much for planning this," akaashi pulls her into a kiss.

"hey hey hey akaashi! you should thank me too i helped!" bokuto smirks confidently.

akaashi thanked bokuto and he was happy.
everyone was happy.
especially the birthday boy.

especially the birthday boy

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omg pls kill me for writing akaashi's birthday one-shot super late hdsjusjdksk IM SORRY buticouldntthinkofaplot :( anyways its finally here 🥳 so lets pretend i did this like on 5th of december lolol like its already christmas and even though i don't celebrate it, merry christmas to everyone who is celebrating it ٩( ᐛ )و

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