five; presence

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hello! PLEASE LISTEN to the song above while reading this oneshot :) ^^ (second slide)

this was inspired by a tiktok and this was the song played haha

song: LOVE. - Kendrick Lamar


akaashi's group of friends that he hangs out with are always with the volleyball team since they are really bonded with one another. the team is mostly extroverted so they would often go to clubs and parties to hang out after school. as for akaashi, well, since he is an introvert, he wasn't too keen on these kinds of things.

(name)'s background on the other hand, is rather hectic. her parents are constantly arguing and fighting at home to the point that screams could be heard.


(name) had finished her final school day of the week as the bell chimes around the school premises. chatters around the classroom started and students are preparing to leave the class.

"alright class make sure to do your homework over the weekends!"

"yes teacher!"

"hey (name)! see you on monday!" (f/n) waved her goodbye before leaving the school gates. she smiled and went towards her locker.

"roses?" she thought

(name)'s locker revealed to have roses while she was trying to get her books.

a pink card was dangled by a rose stalk,

have a nice weekend (name)-san :) - k

pink blush dusted across her cheeks as she read the note.

(name) placed it nicely in her backpack, terrified that the roses will get squashed.

she sighed, walked home knowing what is expected to come that evening.


(name) reached the comforts of her own bed and flopped on the the object that what it seemed like a fluffy cloud at that time. she scrolled through her instagram mindlessly and liked every post she sees.

i wonder who is 'k' could be anyone...i wanna meet that person...

she went back into reality and saw the last post she liked

she went back into reality and saw the last post she liked

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Liked by bokutoes_k and 2,504 others
akaashi.keiji bokuto-san asked me to post this.
view all 88 comments
konohaaaah wOaHH sexy setter marry me pls 😤
    | bokutoes_k back off konoha he is mine >:(

(name) snorted at the comments and made a sudden realisation-

"what if its-"

"nah bokuto and akaashi might like each other since they are so close."

(name) switched off her phone and started on her assignments.

-30 minutes later-

"why are you always working and not making time for (name) and i?!?!"

"look at our bills! do you think we are financially stable for me to make time for you both?!?"

(name) huffed. her parents are quarreling again in their bedroom.

she grabbed her keys and went straight out the front door.

the first thing she saw was the volleyball boys walking around the neighbourhood.

she went to the nearby park and stared at the evening sunset and reminisced the joyful times that she spent with her parents before they started fighting.

(name) suddenly heard a soft pant, she swore it was the wind so she ignored it.


(name) jolted up in shock and peered behind.


akaashi keiji, the guy (name) saw on her instagram literally 30 minutes ago.

"hey..mind if i hang?" he asked, hand raising to make a small wave.

"no its alright" (name) reasurred.

"how are you (name)-san? are you doing okay?" akaashi questioned, eyes in contact with hers.

"im okay i guess"

"really? you shouldn't really lie to me (name)-san" he pointed towards her face as a tear formed and rolled down her dusted cheeks.

"ah this is embarassing haha" (name) let out a soft chuckle, looking down.

she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"its okay, you don't have to tell me" akaashi's smile gleamed through the fading sunset.

(name) smiled back.

there was a small silence between them as the leaves bristled through the wind.

"hey akaashi did you put roses in my locker" she reluctantly asked.

"yeah" he straightforwardly replied.

he looked back for a quick second and did a small sigh.

"looks like your friends are looking for you.." (name) spoke.

akaashi turned to look at (name).

"i wanna be with you," he stared into her (e/c) orbs again.

her face reddened as she looked away, flushed from her shyness.

the silence peaked again

akaashi opened his mouth

"would you like to study at my place?" he offered.

"sure" (name)'s lips curled upwards.

"its a date then"


aHH i finally updated whoop and it looks like i have to make employee part 2 :D some of you have been requesting and i really appreciate it! keep requesting though! don't worry i will definitely write those in the near future :) at this point of time this book is almost reaching 1K reads so thank you! dhdhjdjdsk it makes me happy that people are reading my shit haha okay stay safe everyone! since the corrorororona virus is spreading like crazy so yeh

aHH i finally updated whoop and it looks like i have to make employee part 2 :D some of you have been requesting and i really appreciate it! keep requesting though! don't worry i will definitely write those in the near future :) at this point of t...

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heres akaashi reminding you to always put your mask on outdoors :) oki byeee

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