seven; concerned

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(name) stared mindlessly at the blank piece of paper that was supposed to be filled with her acquired knowledge from school. that endless routine of jamming that brain of hers with information for 7 hours straight. nonetheless, her head was filled with nothingness and that empty feeling drained her which she has been feeling for weeks, maybe even months.

the pile of books stacked up unevenly against her wall across her room does not make her situation even an ounce better.

"ugh, i REALLY need to do well for finals so can my fucking brain work?" (name) raged and rubbed her temples.

she picked up her phone and the brightness blared through her dark room, making her squint with her poor eyesight. a loud ring echoed through the room making the poor girl jump unexpectedly.

New Notifications:
kaashi 💞:
(name) i know you're..

(name) hesitantly unlocked her phone and replied to her beloved significant other.

kaashi 💞:
(name) i know you're still up :/

hehe i guess i am...just studying math 😅😅😅
it's still pretty hard to me ya know? :,)

you should rest my love you have been working so hard ❤️ i'll help you tomorrow.

thanks akaashi ❤️

(name) flopped the phone down on to her desk and sighed. Tearing up, counting the days down to her upcoming exams.

meanwhile the poor boy got really worried that his girlfriend gave him an unusual quick reply. frantic, he paced around his room thinking of a solution.

"i'm going to give her a long talk and maybe long hugs too >:( ," akaashi thought to himself.

tbc <3

; prettyboy ✩ {akaashi keiji}Where stories live. Discover now