six; rejects

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this was requested by @_Azeire_ :>


(name) has been giving gifts to akaashi since they were first years and he would often reject them by leaving it on her desk in her classroom.


"(name)-san please take this back." with the most deadpanned face, akaashi took his hand out, holding a beautifully wrapped box with a bow on top.

"no, no take it, i insist," (name) pushed back the present that took her the longest time to make.

akaashi sighed in defeat after countless of times rejecting it. he nodded slowly to her response. he then frowned.

"what was your objective behind this? (name), im not interested in anyone, especially you," he put his hand on his face, he didn't want to deal with this anymore.

"can't a girl give something to someone she admires the most?" (name) felt her lips quivered at the sound of his hostility. no one has heard the harsh side of akaashi and she was the first.

"well i'm sorry you felt this way about me, i'm going to go now...late for practice," akaashi picked up his bag and left quickly.


akaashi walked into the gym and changed into his practice attire.

"hey akaashi!" a cheerful captain called his setter.

bokuto kneeled down to where akaashi was.

"i overheard your conversation with (name)-chan, why were you so cold to her?" bokuto pouted and shook him.

akaashi rolled his eyes.

"bokuto-san i don't want to talk about this." akaashi yanked his shoulder out of bokuto's grip, finished tying the knot on his shoe.


"i'm not going to toss to you if you mention anything about this again," akaashi responded in a dead tone.

bokuto groaned as the team start their volleyball practice.


it was a friday night and normally at this time akaashi would hang around at bokuto's place.

akaashi dropped himself at the coffee table and took out his phone to scroll through social media.

"listen akaashi, I REALLY don't know what's going on with you but we need to talk about how you treated (name)" bokuto tried to reason with him.

"why? cause you like her?" akaashi looked up to him.

"no, but i know you do"

his eyes widened.

"i do?"

bokuto smiled.

"i guess after that ex of yours broke up with you last year, i've changed my perspective of girls negatively..." akaashi huffed. he looked down, fiddling his fingers.

"ahaha don't worry about me akaashi! i'm over it already!" bokuto gave a reassuring smile.

"now tell me, would you want (name) to go to our games and cheer you on? or maybeeee..kiss you? bokuto teased.

akaashi gave a long hard thought.

his face flushed into colours of pink and red.

"y-yes..." he looked away bashfully at the thought of her.

bokuto raised his arms in victory.


timeskip to next monday :>


"hey (name)-san!" akaashi called out to her after he ran up a flight of stairs up to the school rooftop after school.


"look, i'm very sorry about what happened last week. i really hope you weren't hurt by my awful words..." he bowed towards her.

"its alright," she smiles softly.


"psst! keji!"

dead silence

"keiji wake up!" a familiar soothing voice was heard.

akaashi's eyes fluttered and saw (name) on top of him.

"good morning keiji!" (name) hugged him.

"good morning love," he smiles

akaashi suddenly reminisced about the time he confessed to (name).

"(name), did i ever told you that i love you?" he asked sleepily.

"mhm! all the time!" (name) gleefully cupped his cheeks.

"haha i love you (name)" he pulled her into a long deep kiss.


gah its so bad 😭 and also i feel like bokuto is the type of person who would give relationship advices HAHA ;)
and the present inside are onigiris :)

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