Meditation & Grounding

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        In my opinion, meditation is a dedicated time for the individual to be present in their body, in that specific moment, at that specific time. You create that sacred space for yourself, whether it be your bed, a comfortable chair, or on a plush pillow on the floor. There's no "rule" to meditation, some people meditate with a guided speaker, instrumental sounds/music, or just by simply listening to their body fill with air, and exhale. I personally have a little altar, that holds my tarot cards, some candles, my spirit animal structures, an oil burner, and my incense tray. I create my space thereby smudging my area with a sage stick, lighting my candle, and asking for protection while I align my physical body with my spirit. 

        Grounding is a form of mediation but its when you align your physical energy with Earths. You allow your core, your root, the base of your spine to connect with the earth. Imagine roots sprouting from the bottom of your tail bone into the earth. Just as the root of a tree does. This mediation allows you to focus on your mind and allowing yourself to grow. 

        Chakra meditation is my favorite because you can feel your body rejuvenate itself. Your chakras are the central main energy points if your body. You have your root chakra, your sacral chakra, your solar plexus, the heart chakra, your throat chakra, the third eye, and your crown. Your root chakra helps bring in strength in the here and now, the sacral charka brings in balance and pleasure. Your solar plexus allows energy to flow and your actions to take charge. Your heart chakra is to love and show compassion. Your throat chakra is apart of your communication, to speak, to have a voice! Your third eye chakra brings in your clairvoyance, you is the mind's eye, it's what sees when the eyes are closed. And your crown brings in understanding and knowledge. 

        Witches aren't the only ones who mediate, but to us....this is what brings us closer to spirit, and earth, closer to the god and goddess, and deities, spirit animal and guides. Just because you meditate, doesn't mean you are a witch, but it can make remembering your senses, and your powers easier. 

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