9: Laying it all out

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*** Keishin pov ***
After practice before I was about to leave Kageyama came up to me.
"Instead of practice could the team help Haru move her stuff in this weekend? Save her doing it all herself"

"I think she would roast me if I let you guys slack off but we will see" I answered, she had said a few times how she liked seeing how determined they all were.

"Hmm yeah ok tell her to call my mum tonight please"
He asked weirdly.

I nodded as the team headed off for their traditional after practice snack, I went back to the house straight away wanting to check on Haru.

I entered the house quietly and went towards my room I heard her whimpering I quickened my pace on instinct, she was having a nightmare and was crying and bunched up making herself as small as possible, I decided I'd try wake her up.

"Hey, Haru come on you're having a nightmare"
I kept my voice low and soft hoping not to make things worse.

She flinched at my touch and woke startled when she saw it was me she grabbed onto me hugging me I flung my arms around her like I was protecting her from whatever was in her dreams, she settled down quickly almost forcing the negativity away.

"I'm sorry Shin, I guess I'm not as ok as I thought"
She panted.

"Don't be sorry, I don't mind being here for you I swear! Maybe you could talk to someone or to me, you might just need to get it all out of your system"

She nodded and sat up against the bed head petting the space next to her I got up from beside the bed and sat next to her shoulder to shoulder, she huffed and grabbed my arm putting it around her, I felt like I was her shield again, honestly I liked it... a lot.

"I had been out of the city delivering an order for a friend and it was a 3 day round trip, when I got back I went straight for Ari's house and found him 6 inches into some 3rd year from Nekoma, I was shocked and stood there like an idiot until he slapped me out of it realising what he had done I went to leave before he grabbed me near his front door holding me against the wall by my throat telling me I better not go anywhere because 'I'm his' and he'd kill me if I ruined his reputation, so I didn't the first thing that came to mind was kick him in his still mostly hard dick and ran out of there, I got to my place hoping my roommate was home but the house was empty, I locked the door but he literally broke the window beside it like a maniac and unlocked it I tried to barricade myself in my room while I packed a bag I needed to get out my plan was to jump out the window but he pushed the door open and stopped me, he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me in to the room again causing me to hit my head on the side of the bed I was kind of fuzzy but then we was putting on his soccer shoes he left at mine the week before and started stomping on the leg I used to kick him I was screaming which someone possibly heard and came into the house before I could call out he had quite literally punched my lights out and left the room when I came to the house was locked up and I was left on the floor so I got what I needed covered what I could with makeup and left getting on a plane and well the rest you know about"

She blurted it all out quickly her story was both worse than I hoped it would of been but not as bad as I had imagined I pulled her in as close as possibly, she moved shifting one leg over me so she was straddling me •not like that!• she hugged me and I wrapped her in my arms nothing else was said for a while he just sat there I looked over at my clock that she had set up and placed on my bedside table it was 12am and I had to go open up before my cousin looked after the shop for the day. So getting some sleep soon was a good idea.

"You can have the bed I'll sleep on the floor"
I said shaking her a bit to make sure she was awake, she shook her head moving back slightly to look at me.
"We could just share the bed"
She said it in a way I knew she meant it as innocent as possible.

I gave her one of my tee shirts to wear to bed and I asked if it was ok if I slept in just my boxers to which she nodded, I got into bed with her joining me after brushing her hair she got in and moved closer I put my arm around her and she snuggled into my chest, I was glad I could give her this comfort right now she had fallen back to sleep after a few minutes of me running my hands through her hair, her tiny sleepy breathes sending my stomach into a flutter.

It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep as well.


*** Haru POV ***

"Hey you gotta get up Shin...... Keishin get up!!!!!"
I shook him freaking out the team was coming over and he was needed at the store.

He mumbled something incoherent in his zombie like state before pulling me closer and kissing me, I mumble yelled against his lips, he opened his eyes realising what he was doing and basically flew out of the bed landing on the floor with a thud, I couldn't help but laugh as he saw what the time was and got dressed as quick as he could and left.

I got up made the bed and started to get stuff ready to make bacon and eggs when Keishin got back from opening the store, I sat in the middle of the would be lounge room and checked emails and stuff nothing of real importance, except a notice that the 3 collections I sold made it to their new owner and another from Mr.Igawa letting me know he was out of town but will let me know when he's back and has them set up.

My small town Hero. Keishin Ukai x oc (Haikyuu )Where stories live. Discover now