17: Roo

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*** Haru pov***

"All of you in the bus quietly and quickly"
Keishin barked at the group, who were all basically half asleep except for Hinata who was bouncing around.

"Yes coach"
We all whispered back, I was way too tired for this, why did I say I'd go?

I sat behind the driver's seat and quickly got comfy and was asleep again, I woke up to a gentle shake from Hinata letting me know we were here, Keishin had told them to leave me as long as possible and my time was up, I staggered off the bus and rubbed my eyes before I was picked up and swung around.

"Short stack!!"
I was tossed about by a familiar voice.

"Ewww Roo put me down, it's too damn early for this"
Kuroo put me down then ruffled my hair.

I looked up at him with hatred ready to take the lanky captain out there and then before a coffee can was shoved in my face.

"I just bought it but you're still sleep crazed so you probably need it more than me, unless I can do something for you to help you wake up, like old times"
Cheeky shit used to tickle me figuring a pissy Haru was an awake Haru.

"Hard pass Roo"
And it begins.

"Worth a shot, anyway why are you here?"
Quick recovery from the beanpole with bed hair.

"I'm the new coach, along side my boyfriend"
I smirked.

"Wait I thought old man Ukai's grandkid was the coach, not Ari"
How does he not know?

"How have you of all people not heard?! Ari and I broke up a while ago, how is this not common knowledge right now?"
I was in shock.

"That's not what he's saying, he said you had to move home because your sister's sick or something"
His words did nothing but set an ugly fire of hatred in my belly.

"Lying sack of shit"
Was all I said as I walked off pissed.

I must have looked crazy the way people were backing away from me as I head to the art room to catch up with my old teacher, she worked here sometimes when the usual teacher was out, but now its a permanent gig for her.

*** Daichi pov***

I watched Haru march off almost steaming away from Nekoma's captain.
"What did you say to our Coach Kuroo!?"

"Nothing it was about her ex"
He said I don't think he lied at all.

"He's not here is he?"
That's all we need, all that Haru needs.

"Nah he said was going to come by later and watch the match and catch up, but I think that's going to be an issue"
He replied.

"That jerk, after what he did, he's lucky if any of us don't kill him on sight"
I said to myself but the other captain must of heard me and pulled me back to face him.

"What did he do?"
He looked pissed and concerned, I debated if I should tell him or not, I decided not to I said it was up to Haru.

"Fine I'm going to find her right now, odds are shes at the art wing"
Before I could protest I was called over by the team to help take our stuff in.

*** Kuroo pov***

I had heard rumours but never thought Ari would be that type of guy, if it was true and I did nothing, gah how could she stand to be near me? The girl used to be my best friend, I need to find out what happened.

I got to the art room and heard Miss Koran talking and the second voice was Haru's I didn't want to barge in but what I heard while I waited broke my heart.

My small town Hero. Keishin Ukai x oc (Haikyuu )Where stories live. Discover now