19: Permisson

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*** Keishin pov ***

I watched and listened as Haru gave her statement detailing everything until the part where she was knocked out I didn't realise I was crying until she turned to me and wiped the tears off my cheeks, here she is detailing the event that almost killed her and still comforting me, I hated it.

"Thank you miss we will be in touch"
The police woman said as she bowed and left the room and the nurses finished their reports and took the pictures they needed, Haru was covered in bruises, different colours and sizes I got sick to my stomach I sat on the bed while they finished up and left the room.

Haru came back to the bed and wrapped her good arm around me pulling to her and landing a kiss on my lips she deepened the kiss I let her take the lead so I didn't hurt her I pulled away looking at her.

"Thank you so much Shin for sticking by me, I'm sorry I've caused you and the team so much shit"
She looked down, again putting everyone before herself even after what just happened.

"No need to thank me, I love you through thick and thin Haru I want to be by your side no matter what comes our way"
I said as I moved and made her lay back down, she didn't say anything but nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"Now you rest up and I'll get you some ice cream maybe it'll help with the swelling"
She nodded into my shoulder and I left, I was going to get her some ice cream but I needed a minute to breathe.

I left the room and shut the door and sat in the chair across the hall and broke, she was in so much pain having to be so strong right now and I knew it would get worse once her sister got here and especially when the team gets here, I was trying to keep quiet and stayed looking at the ground.

"Keishin honey, how is she?"
Her sister asked walking towards me.

"S-she's awake I j-just needed"
I was breaking and she could see and hear it.

"Oh sweety come here"
He pulled me into a hug holding me tight, I felt pretty pathetic right now.

"If she's awake that's good, she will be fine, she has you and the team and Us and hopefully this was enough they will finally lock Ari up, she's lucky to have you Keishin she really does love you, and I can tell you love her, you will get through this together I just know it! Now you go have a smoke or go for a walk I'll go sit with her and you come back when you can ok"
She said with a smile, I swear I'm going to make that girl mine, I called back out to her sister before she went in the room.

"What if.... what I if I wanted to, ummm shit, what if I wanted to propose?"
I asked quietly as she walked closer to me.

"You'd have my full support Keishin same with my husband, then maybe she will stop complaining about stealing my husbands last name"
Her sister said with a smile.

"Wait, what?"
What The hell how did we not realise?

"Haha I didn't think you had worked it out she's my sister yet has my husbands last name?"
She added teasingly.

"I never even thought of that!!!"
I hadn't but now I had this information I was even more confused.

"She was trying to hide and we changed her name but didn't help much she went back to Ari he had his claws in deep at the time"
She said with a sigh, I didn't want to press for the details, I don't think I could handle it, she ran her hand up my arm before patting it and shooing me away.

How much has he tormented her and how can she smile?.

"Hey hey coach how is she?"
Daichi asked as he and the rest of the team walked up to the door.

"She's good I think, Mrs. Kageyama is in there with her at the moment, if you lot wanna head up take this and get her some ice cream and don't stare"
I said she knew there would be two that would possibly make a comment, and the rest would likely be taken back by the damage now the mood of the group had gotten better.

"Wait Tobio I want to ask you something"
I called out to the boy.
The rest of the guys walked in while the boy stood waiting for his coach to speak.

"I know this is shitty timing but if I don't say anything while I'm running on adrenaline I don't think I would ever ask"
I said shuffling my feet taking a drag of my cigarette blowing it out waiting for his response.

"Ask what coach?"
He asked boredly.

"I wanna propose to your aunt but I want you to be ok with it"
I spat out hastedly trying to eat it out before I chickened out.

"I'm ok with it"
He said straightforward don't know why I expected much else.

"That's it? That's all I get from you?"
I deadpanned.

"You love her?"
He asked, almost glaring at me little shit was taking full advantage of the fact he had the power in this situation..

"Of course"
I said taken a back by the question, if I didn't I'd not have stuck around.

"And you won't hurt her?"
Whoa kid.

"Never, you know that"
I said getting slightly huffy with he tone he took, but then I saw the glimmer of a smirk.

"Then I'm ok with it, can I go see her now?"
He asked, he was stirring the damn pot he was ok with it from the start he wanted to push his luck! Jokes on him looks like the boy will be doing laps at training.

"Yeah kid, off you go"
I dismissed him, finishing my smoke and shaking my head guess I was going to either be living with an ex or with my fiancé soon, shit how the hell do I propose to her?

My small town Hero. Keishin Ukai x oc (Haikyuu )Where stories live. Discover now