16: The crow with three legs

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"Hey hey guys I have a surprise for you all!!!"
I bellowed walking into the gym carrying a somewhat heavy box, fumbling with my shoes at the door before my nephew ran over to help me out.

"Thanks Tobio just pop it over there on the bench"
I continued he nodded he was in a mood again today so I didn't want to push it right now.

"Oooo whatcha got there Coach lady??"
Tanaka asked excitedly hovering over the still closed box.

I slapped his hand away with a smirk before calling everyone over and ordering them to close their eyes, they all obeyed, I placed their jackets in their hands and told them to wait a second, I went back over to the box to get Keishin's jacket noticing there was a spare which shouldn't have been i picked it up looking at the back to see who got an extra and seen it had 'Spitfire' across the back I couldn't help but shake my head, that cheeky shit.

"Ok you lot ready to see your surprise? Open your eyes!!"
They all opened their eyes looking at the jackets only Hinata had the idea to turn them around to reveal my design and that they were all personalised with their names.

"Haru these are incredible!!! Is this your design?"
Kyoko asked hugging her jacket.

"Yeah it is I thought it was fitting, considering everything, and this was a way to thank you all for helping me out of a really bad situation and keeping me moving forward"
I wasn't going to get emotional!! Nope not going to happen, tears begone!!!!

"It's really cool but why does the crow have three legs?"
Asahi asked confused, he mustn't know the lore around Yatagarasu.

"It's Yatagarasu, the three legged crow who represents the will of the heavens and is said to live in the sun, I thought of it as a symbol of how high this murder of crows will soar, and it doesn't help to have a symbol of the gods on your back as good luck"
Oh so now I was getting emotional these guys were going to make it to the top.

"Wow Haru that's kind of great"
The team started crying well except Tsukishima and Tobio, I went out in sympathy.
Keishin came over to me and hugged me tightly and kissed my head while sniffing back some tears of his own.

Keishin and I turned to the group of teens, I wiped my tears away smiling back at the group.

"Coach.... thank you! You have taught us a lot since you've arrived, you're a strong and resilient person who isn't afraid to get help when needed even after everything you've been through you're still kind, warm and happy in the short time you've been one of our coaches you've pushed us further and we have improved but we still have a long way to go and we hope you'll stick by Coach Ukai and us while we take nationals"
Daichi always a man who knows exactly what to say.

I walked up to the tall teen wrapping my arms around his waist he stiffened for a moment before returning the embrace.
"Common guys bring it in!!"
Soon we were all hugging each other with a few dragged in against their will.

"All this over some new jackets"
I giggled in the mash up of bodies and arms.

"Well those moves aren't going to improve unless you push yourselves, let's get back to work!!"

They all yelled out going back to their practice and drills.

"I have no idea what you were worried about, they love you almost as much as I do"
Keishin said taking my pinky finger in the grip of his.
"You ready to go tomorrow?"
He continued while weaving his fingers between mine.

"Yeah but I think we need to do a few things tonight"
I said with a wink and a look which told him exactly what I was meaning, the blush that took over the mans face let me know he was picking up what I was putting down.

"Umm... erm yeah what about Tig and Suga?"

"Well I told Tig this morning after I caught him sneaking Suga out again, he needs to go tie up loose ends and finish jobs he has back in Tokyo, the lovesick fool wants to move down here to see where this thing goes with Suga"
Keishin didn't know of my friends plans yet but they got along fine.

"He's really into him isn't he"
Keishin commented more than questioned.

"I think they're into each other but I don't want Tig to be a distraction, not with all the teams aiming for this year, I'll have to lay down ground rules, god its like I'm their damn mother" I said running a tired hand down my face.

"You know I think you'd be a great mom Haru"
I looked at him a bit caught off guard.

"Really? I kind of committed myself to the role of cool aunt"
I always thought I'd eventually have a kid or kids but my life was such a mess,

"Yes really"
He was 100% serious about this.

"Hmmmm maybe one day I'd be willing to have a couple"
I said looking away slightly.

"Maybe I would be too"
He added squeezing my hand lightly.

We smirked at each other half serious half teasing, it was nice to know we both thought of the possibilities the future could bring, I liked that he had me looking forward for every moment to come instead of dreading the basicness of existing.

After practice Keishin and I walked home hand in hand not needing to talk, just enjoying the company, we walked past a park and the blonde man decided that we should head over and take in the view from the look out, it was beautiful, the town wasn't overly illuminated so we could still see the stars, I leant over the railing taking in the sight.

*** Keishin pov ***

She's so beautiful, her eyes saw all the beauty that existed in the world, Haru leant over taking in the sight before us, while all my brain could register was her round arse infront of me, would she be up for it?.

"I can feel you staring a hole in my pants Shin"
Well I'm busted.

"Just enjoying the view Babe"
I threw back at her and seen a smile grace her face.

"Well wanna turn this into an interactive experience Shin"
She purred while she swayed her hips enticing me.

I walked behind her grinding my already hard manhood against her, she moved her hips again against me and it was like it pulled all the blood from my body and forced it to one spot, she looked back at me with need in her eyes, I inched back and pulled down her pants and underwear just enough then pulled my own down aiming for her slick entrance she pulled away.

"Do you want to stop?"
I asked concerned about the distance she put between us.

"No no that's not it at all you're just at the wrong hole"
She said sending a look that near made me finish right there and then.

Holy hell no way, she was serious she giggled at my apparent shock, she pushed her rear against my end, she spat in her own palm before stroking me a few times before turning around telling me to start.

I edged in slowly she was trying to be quiet and was having an easier time at it than me, I was a mess it was a different feeling to normal I didn't know if it was more mental or physical but I was coming undone quicker than ever.

"Shin you can go harder or faster or both if...... nnnggg... if you want"
She moaned out.

"If I.... uhg.... do.... shit...... I wont... I wont last"

"Then just go for it I'm sure you can sort me out when we get home"
She looked back with that damn expression again.

I pounded into her rear increasing my pace, Haru reached down and started playing with my already taught balls and I was done I was in her deep and I could feel that my thrusting gave her a small release as I could feel her spasm around me, milking me of everything I had, she slowly pulled away and pulled her pants up.

"Let's go home and shower Shin, I'm not done with you and we better get cleaned up"

I adjusted my self and we basically ran to the house jumping in the shower before a long night before camp, the things she let me do to her and the things she did to me, I knew she was definitely someone I didn't want to lose, that's it I've got to make her mine, forever.

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My small town Hero. Keishin Ukai x oc (Haikyuu )Where stories live. Discover now