15: Friends

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I rocked up to the school early with Keishin, I got him to help me with stretching resulting in a few lewd comments from each of us, I loved how he didn't really back down from anything I said and he seemed to like the idea of me not being as timid as he first thought.

After I was warmed up enough he set me up a few balls, with me missing the first few I asked him to throw the next one a little higher and to his surprise I had hit it smack bang in the middle of the other side, he set some more me aiming for some witches hat we set up, I wanted to show off and also wanted to see if I still had it.

I didn't notice the guys come in either did Keishin he set up one a bit higher this time and I ran and jumped for it slamming it at some stupid speed once I landed and saw I had it the witches hat dead on and smashed it. I turned to go grab the broom and then I saw the entire tear was in awe frozen at the door.

"Holy crap you killed it, I'd hate to try get that ball!"
Tanaka yelled looking at the pile of broken orange plastic.

"Well you're going to find out! Haru is going to train with you lot whip you into shape"
Keishin explained to the group, I noticed Hinata was staring at me dumb founded.

"You're spitfire!! I've seen that jump before that attack, but she has light brown hair yours is black" the redhead blurred out not realising how silly he sounded.

"You idiot she probably died it"
My nephew butted in his eyes not leaving me, I felt bad.

"Exactly, due to......reasons, I quit but went back under an alias and a wig, but the reason found out and made me quit for good, but today I'm here to annihilate you lot"

They got the picture and we got to training Nishinoya using rolling thunder to keep the ball up, the rest struggling but slowly keeping me from sending it to the ground.

They decided they had enough and wanted to see if I could defend against them and only Hinata got one past me until they changed up their game and started doing a lot better.

After practice I went straight home needing a shower after a while I heard the bathroom door open and Keishin was in the shower with me before I knew it.

"You were beautiful today, you looked free, unburdened"
he said as he grabbed the body lotion and started lathering the subs against my back and giving me a soapy massage.

"I felt free, I really missed playing, the teams pretty good too, takes them a while to adjust but they take on everything and learn they're like sporty sponges" I replied my head resting against the tiles as my boyfriend worked the muscles of my shoulders.

Leaving small kisses on my neck he just held me as the water ran over the pair of us, I really liked this, there were no expectations, no masks, no hiding, I turned around to hug him and his hands were on the small of my back rubbing small circles on my wet skin, he kissed the top of my head and that was it I knew this man was perfect!!!



"Thank you"

"For what?"

"Just being you, I came from a really bad place and you've done nothing but be there and help me, you don't expect anything or push for anything, you've made me feel at peace, I have a long way till I think I'll be ok but you've helped me with the first steps"
I couldn't hold it in he needed to know.

He gripped me tighter not saying anything, soon we were all pruned and decided to get out of the shower, after getting dressed we decided to watch a movie when I got an email.

The jackets were ready, that was awfully quick. I wasn't going to complain she must have rushed the order and had already posted the jackets and sent me the tracking.

"What's got you all happy?"
Keishin asked me.

"A surprise for the team, a thank you for being their amazing selves"

Keishin didn't ask anymore knowing he possibly wouldn't get an answer out of me, finally Tig came home accompanied by Suga, they were spending the night before Tig left to go back to Tokyo tomorrow.

"I've got a question for you Haru"
Keishin said slightly shifting to face me.

"And that is??"
I replied as he paused looking like he was going to back track.

"When you first got back why did you lie about not being sporty or playing volleyball?"
He looked concerned.

"Partially fear, partially Ari mostly just me being an idiot, I feel bad for lying when you've all done so much to help me"
I sighed resting my head against him.

"Don't sweat it the guys would understand but now you can play again or... I have another question"
I looked up at him and he quickly continued.

"Would you come be a coach for the team?"
He caught me off guard he really did, like I was good at volleyball but what they didn't know I was a hard arse that's why I was my teams captain.

"Do you think the team would like that?"
I giggled.

"They all love you, you're like a big sister to all of them"
He replied wrapping me tightly in his arms.

"I guess so, but If I have a hit of inspiration I'll need to paint ok?"
I laid the rule down.

"Yes, yes absolutely!"
His enthusiasm was so.... cute yeah that'll do.

"So I guess I'll be coming to the camp then, who's going to be there?"
I smirked.

"Nekoma, the feral cats!"

"Oh cra.... um cool"
I was flustered.

"What is it?"
Keishin asked curiously.

"Well I kind of have history with their captain, he's friends with Ari, nothing major just we may have almost hooked up at a party not realising the age gap....."
I admitted shyly.

"You don't think he'd show up would you? Ari?"
Keishin asked his voice carrying an angry edge to it.

"I don't think so, I hope not"

My small town Hero. Keishin Ukai x oc (Haikyuu )Where stories live. Discover now