[1] The Diamonds Capture Me

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~Readers POV~

I was laying in my small double bed. My family had just moved to Delmarva for a job offer that my father just had to take. The job was a marine biologist and being by the ocean was great to study marine life. I hated the move. We lived pretty close to the ocean and the sound of the waves made me stay up all night. Not to mention how I left all my friends and how this city is full of weird kids. I met one before getting to my house, Steven was his name? He was quite...strange. He was overly energetic and offered me things called "Fry Bits". Of course, I didn't take any because my parents taught me to never take food from weirdos. The only thing that interested me was that I saw a slight glow near his naval area. I wanted to ask him about it or investigate but that was when my mama called me over to her. I ought to talk to him about it later. 

Truth be told, the glow was similar to something I experienced. When I was with my dad, my mom was at her job, I was doing something that excited me. A light radiated from my...eye-gem thing. I know it sounds weird but trust me! I have a diamond gemstone for my right eye. That's the only reason I have to fashion this emo haircut. So when it did glow my dad seemed to grow worried and immediately burned the toys that brought me joy. He told to me to keep this a secret and to always cover my right eye. This was when I was 1 when my dad was re-marring and his marriage papers were still being worked on. To this day I listen to his orders. 

Anyways I thought of taking a nap because there wasn't any better thing to do. It was summer break and my parents homeschool me so the school wouldn't be a problem. Beach City was to be explored later. As I closed my eyes, I heard a loud stomp. I woke out of confusion and fear- this place wasn't supposed to have an earthquake, right? 

I rushed out of bed and put on a greyish hoodie with an anime design on it, it was the only piece of clothing I had out and ready. I hurried to put on my shoes and bolted out the front door. My parents weren't home so they wouldn't know, but it's not like they would care. This town was relatively safe and I was old enough to be by myself. I then stopped and looked horrified at the scene I saw. Three giants blocked the sunlight and covered the whole town in shadows. They varied in size, the blue one being the shortest, the white one being the tallest, and the yellow one was close to Blue's height. I wanted to run away from the colossuses but my body froze up. The White one eyes glanced at me and focused her view on me. She spoke, "That one. She would be a good human to place in my high court." The other giants wanted to question her but she seemed to have superiority over them. Their attention then turned to a yelling boy and other unearthly things. The huge women seemed unpleased and annoyed. Something in my mind told me to go further...closer to the new conflict. I resisted the urge but the voice in my head won in the end. 

My body instantly dashed to the beach where a small house was. I stood at the bottom of the hill, nearing the unusual people and the three enormous women. While I was running to their location a fight seemed to happen. The big three had already won and the smaller but still odd things were all grayish. Their faces were uncanny as they stared into my soul. The White one then demanded, "Bring me the human in all black." My body froze up again. She beamed at me as the other two giants stood back allowing her forces to interfere. The white people were floating to me at a fast pace but I didn't move a muscle. Steven was weak, but he still interfered and got in the way of Whites' creepy people. "No! Snap out of it guys!" He told them, but it was no use. They pushed through him and suddenly reached me. They all grabbed me and I tried to pull back but my grip wasn't anything compared to theirs. 

My body finally reacted to the threats. Something black erupted from my gem. It made everyone in the radius paralyzed and dropped to the ground. Whites forces also returned to normal color. There was also a huge earthquake due to the giant ladies falling paralyzed. I was able to resist the impact and stayed standing in the same area. That was strange. The black aura was still there and I didn't know how to remove it. I started to calm down as it slowly returned to my gem. The things in front of me stayed down but the titans quickly stood up, a bit embarrassed but also intrigued by me. Their faces all stared at me as if they knew me from the past. I just looked back at them confused. "It can't be.." The Blue one said gently. "I refuse to believe it's actually-" White interrupted them as she cried, "BLACK DIAMOND!" They crawled to me in happiness and remembrance but I didn't understand any of them. Who was 'Black Diamond'? Wait...my eye is revealed, shit. "I don't think you have the right person..." I said shyly. "Oh come on, Black, it's us!" Yellow declared proudly. "The diamonds, the ones who you helped all those years ago." Blue Diamond smiled at the thought. White Diamond took me up into her arms, "I've missed you...why leave us at the height of the war and take on this immature form? I've always loved how strict and serious you were but look at you now." I gulped. "Never mind that, we're talking about this later after we catch up." She said sternly. The two diamonds looked at each other with concern. "But my-" White interrupted me, "Silence, you were once better than me but not look at your foolish form. It's dishonorable to the authority and I should have you shattered..." She looked around nervously, "but I shall have mercy on you. Let's proceed off this garbage planet. "

And just like that, I was taken against my will to a strange place filled with aliens...or gems. Hopefully, Steven sends a letter to my family about this. 

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