Chaos in jail

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Once I entered the tower, White Diamond was there and she looked mad and sad " I'm sorry starlight but we must jail you since you didn't follow out rules." She said as I tried to speak back but she already left and locked the door. I looked around and tried to do something since I was bored but I gave up and just wanted to sleep since nothing else was entertaining me but then I saw water..?

I looked over at it and how it wasn't there before so I though of a resonable explanation " Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me or the diamonds gave me this so I can survive but wouldn't they have gave me food?" I thought to myself and the water moved closer to me and I screamed but it seemed quieter in the jail cell. The water got closer and it looked like it had a face? I tried running away but it followed me everywhere in the jail and I just had to stay there with it.. Am I going crazy? I asked myself but there wasn't a respond so I just slept with the water thing until I was let out.

Time skip-
I woke up and the blob was still there protecting me from White Diamond "What is this?!" White said as she tried zapping it with it's powers but it dodged all of them and protect me when it was going to zap me. White Diamond tried to attack it physically but failed so she ran to me but the water blob made her slip and even crack her gem a little and that was when I said "Stop it!" And the blob listened to me for some reason? White Diamond was feeling a little bad and went up to go heal somewhere while she let Blue and Yellow handle me where the blob let Blue take me and she went to her pool with Yellow where she sat in it and yellow just put her feet in and when I went underwater I could breathe?!? Blue and Yellow were suprised "I have never seen anything like this.." Yellow said while Blue thought "Yellow..what if shes like steven?" Blue asked Yellow but she responded with "Thats silly Blue, what gem would be her mother/give birth to her?" Yellow said before thinking it and they both said at the same time "A lapis!" Blue picked up me and searched for a gem and they did find it and it was located at the back of my back which is why nobody ever saw it but I was still confused "This all adds up to the Lapis that went rebel.." Blue said "And joines Rose Quartz just to follow in her lead but wouldn't her group of gems follow her?" Yellow said while I remembered the gemstones that I placed on my wall "I think I know..All the gems were poofed and for some reason didn't reform and since I didn't know anything about gems I just put them on my shelf as decoration.." I said as the other diamonds were thinking "We have to get them back but when white comes back.." Yellow said while Blue agreed and I just nodded

Why is my life so crazy?

White Diamond x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now