Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

The year is up. Jack and Jack have talked almost everyday. Johnson been getting bullied almost everyday but most importantly they have bee getting closer with every day that passes. However will their closeness lead to something they may regret or something they will treasure forever.

~ I am going to finish this chapter later guys dont worry. I just wanted to leave you qith this after yesterdays chapters authors note. Should this be what happens and then go straight to where johnson I leaving england??? Ily~

Here is the rest of the chapter :)

Johnsons POV

It was my last day in England and althoughI was excited to see my Jack again I kinda didnt want to leave. I'd made a decent amount of friends here and the twins loved me and I was attached to them as well. Yhe family had made me feel a part of it and I really like it here. Living in London was really cool but I was really excited to go back and see my family and friends and Jack. My Jack. God i've missed him. But its true what they say, distance makes love grow, I am so much more in love with him which at the same time make me sad because he doesnt feel the same.

I am in my room packing when I get a text.

From: Jackkyy <3

Hey baby how are you. I miss you cant wait for tomorrow. Im coning to pick you up btw. I love you ;)

Oh my life. This boy is killing me. Hes straight but calls me baby he says I lovd you, the winky faces. Ughh what am I gonna do.

Gilinskys POV

I MISS JJ SO MUCH. Ugh this has been so horrible without him. Ive had a realisation as well, I think I love him. Calling him baby and saying I love feels right and I just wanna go to him and kiss him and hold his hand. (And a lot of other stuff you probably dont wanna know about ;))

- Skip to airport-

Where is he?

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