Chapter 14. Intruder

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I'm sneaking in, their car wasn't in the driveway so they're not home which means I can trash the house. I enter through the front door, good thing I can pick locks!

I walk around grabbing items from the kitchen when I hear noise from upstairs. Wait! Is that them. No, it can't be. The car wasn't there... Unless...

I rush to the kitchen window and see the car parked on the road. Damnit how could I have misses that.

The stairs creak as, I assume, Gilinsky walks down them. I can tell its him rather than Blondy because, Gilinsky has heavier feet.

I run to the living area and hide. I wait for him to go past before emerging and sprinting upstairs to hide and wait for the right moment to do whatever I want now. Who knows maybe in a couple of days time Johnson will wake up alone, with a suicide note from Gilinsky. Maybe Gilinsky will wake to see Johnson cheating. Whatever it may be, its going to be hella fun ;)

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