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"Emily?" Calum's voice calls through the hallway. A knock sounds on the door of the bathroom. I take a deep breath and stand up from the floor. I open the door slowly, a concerned Calum on the other side.

"What's wrong? It's been, like, 15 minutes. Are you okay?" He asks.

"There's just a lot of people down there. It's freaking me out." I sigh.

"Well how about you go down there, try your best, and if you don't want to talk to anybody just... I don't know, come to me or one of the twins and we'll make sure you don't have to say anything in the conversation." He says.

"You'd really do that?" I ask. He shrugs and nods.

"Sure. Now come on."

We went down and sure enough, I stayed by Calum's side the entire time. I listened to the conversations and nodding every once in a while at questions or agreeing with what Calum was saying while answering questions about me.


"No, Luke do not touch my sandwich!" Calum yells from the outside of my bedroom.

He's seriously already here? Don't they have their own houses?

A knock sounds on my door and I groan as I wiggle under my covers, ignoring it. The door opens.

"We have to go to the studio today. You need to get up so we can go." He pulls the covers off of me, causing me to whine at the cold air.

He leaves the room and I get up, changing into my light-wash jean shorts, and black and white stripped T-Shirt. I do my makeup and put my hair in space buns.

I finally go downstairs, still freezing my ass off. I shiver as I reach the bottom of the stairs. My arms get goosebumps as I rub my arms.

"Why is it so fucking cold in this house?" I ask. Luke laughs.

"Dramatic, much? It's not that cold." He says. I roll my eyes, grabbing the closest hoodie I see, which is on the counter. I slip it over my head and laugh at how it covers my hands completely. It hangs off my body about two inches, going down to my knees.

Footsteps sound down the steps as I hug myself, still shivering. I look back up as Calum comes down
with an eyebrow raised.

"Isn't that my hoodie?" He asks. I look down at it, trying to remember if I've seen him wearing it yet. I look back up a him and shyly shrug.

"I don't know. I was cold so I grabbed it..." I mumble, thinking I'm in trouble. "I-I can take it off."

"Do you not have one?" He asks me. I shake my head, looking at the ground.

"I only have a couple T-Shirts and a thin long sleeve shirt." I confess. His face turns sad, which in turn, makes me sad.

"You can wear that one. I'll just grab another one." He smiles at me, running back upstairs as Michael runs downstairs.

He's here, too?

I quickly grab the book I'm currently reading from the living room, and wait for Calum.

After Calum comes back down, all four of us get in the car and head to the studio.

We walk into the studio and see that Ashton is already there, sitting on a couch facing the recording booth, phone in hand. They all sit down on the couch, but there's no room for me, so I sit on a chair in the corner.

I quietly sit and listen to their conversation as I stare off into space. Soon enough, a guy comes through the door, the guys standing up and greeting the man.

Soon, Luke walks into booth. I open my book and bring my knees to my chest, curling up and getting comfortable.

After a few hours, it's lunch time and they're taking a break. I'm zoned out, reading my book, when Calum calls my name. I look up at him, giving him my full attention.

"Do you have any suggestions for where to go for lunch?" He asks. I shrug.

"I don't know." I say quietly, shrinking farther into Calum's hoodie as all four of them turn towards me. After they discuss amongst themselves, they finally decided on a place called Jack in the Box.

We all got in the elevator and made our way down to the lobby. I place my hands in the pocket of the hoodie and follow them into the lobby. I look up when a frustrated sigh leaves Calum's lips.

"Are you okay?" I hesitantly ask. He looks towards me with a reassuring smile, nodding.

"Yeah, just stay close." He says as we walk out the doors. A group of around 20 girls scream and start rushing towards us. My eyebrows furrow with confusion and panic as I grab onto Calum's hand. They crowd around us and the boys start greeting them kindly.

I didn't want to interrupt or get in the way, so I just stood to the side, attempting not to hyperventilate. As soon as I let go of Calum's hand, though, he immediately looks over and grabs it again.

After a few minutes the girls finally let us slip by and we head to the car.

"Those were fans, I'm guessing." I breathe a sigh of relief once we start driving away. They all nod.

"Yup. I was hoping you wouldn't have to endure that until you've settled in, but I guess that wasn't what was on their minds." Calum says from the passenger seat.

"To be fair, they don't know about her yet." Michael reminds.

"True. And it sucks that I can't tell them yet." Calum complains.

"Why not?" Luke asks.

"I legally can't post any pictures with her until I adopt her." He explains. "And if I just tweet about it or something, they're going to think I'm joking."

Soon, we make it to the fast food restaurant and hop out. I smile and thank Luke quietly as he opens the door for everyone while we walk in.

"What do you want to eat?" Calum asks me, pulling out his wallet. I shrug, never having been here before. I scan the menu, deciding on a bacon burger.

I find us a table while everyone orders. I sit down and wait patiently, pulling Calum's hoodie closer to me. They all receive their food and sit down, talking amongst themselves. I zone out, staring into nothingness.

"Emily? You okay?" Ashton asks. My head snaps up and I see everyone staring at me. I blush and look down, nodding lightly.

"Hey, Em? Can I ask you something?" Michael asks. I lift my head up with wide, nervous eyes.

"Umm... depends." I murmur.

"Why were you in the orphanage?" He asks. Everyone shouts at him, causing me to flinch. I look at him, but quickly avert my eyes.

"Umm... m-my bio dad left and my mom was 15 when she had me... 17 when she put me there. She was young and didn't have money or a supporting family." I tell him.

"Emily, you didn't have to answer that." Calum says softly.

"I never held a grudge. She was 17 with no support." I shrug.

Foster Daughter {Adopted By Calum Hood}Where stories live. Discover now