Chapter One

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A/N: Images used is just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well



Ariel- 15

~Shota's POV~

It was my first day at UA. Despite my best efforts to not care or overthink things, I was still feeling nervous for my first day of high school. I wasn't sure what to expect from the coursework, it was sure to be tough. I'd met enough annoying people in middle school and really hoped high school would be less annoying. Luckily, I didn't think that annoying clingy loud mouth was smart enough to make it into UA so perhaps I'd have some peace. There was a bunch of press crowding around the gate making it a little hard to get to school. They appeared to be waiting for something but I wasn't sure what, they were completely ignoring all the students and just in the way.

"Shota!" A loud obnoxious voice that threatened to split ear drums sounded from behind me as I stepped through the front gate of UA, past the sea of press.

I groaned inwardly. Perhaps if I just pretended, I didn't hear him, he'd go away. What the hell was that obnoxious idiot doing here anyway? How could he be smart enough to get into UA? I was really looking forward to some peace and quiet, this year!

"First day at UA and the dynamic duo is back together!" The obnoxious voice wailed behind me; it was getting closer.

If I pretended, he didn't exist he'd just get louder until his quirk started causing actual damage. Maybe I'd get some peace and quiet after high school, eventually this loser would stop clinging to me, right? Sighing, I turned around and rubbed my ears, they were still ringing from his shrill voice. "Yamada." I greeted the blonde in a monotone. Hizashi Yamada, we'd met in middle school. He was popular and obnoxiously loud and for some reason he wanted to be my friend. After weeks of running away from him, I switched tactics and tried to set traps for him hoping he'd learn his lesson and leave me alone but he was stubborn and I was lazy and lost motivation. It was easier just to deal with him sometimes.

"Ah, what's with that greeting?" He chuckled; his smile didn't falter. He reminded me of a dog in that aspect, no matter how mean I was to him or how much I pushed him away he always came right back with a smile on his face. I'd always preferred cats to dogs, they were much more intelligent and a lot less needy.

"Did you join the support course?" I pondered wondering what he was doing here.

"Huh? No way! I'm in your class, you said you were going into the hero course, so here I am!" He beamed and made strange air guitar noises, whilst playing an invisible guitar causing a group of girls who appeared to be in our grade throw us weird looks and walk away giggling.

I rubbed my temples in frustration. He was going to make me a social pariah here.

"Yo, so did you hear the news? Looks like one of our classmates is one of the super-rich and famous."

"Why do you think I care?" I grumbled.

"Huh, it's interesting, everyone cares. Besides having a super-rich classmate comes with perks, like ice cream with gold shavings on birthdays and having school events on yachts and at fancy resor—." He just kept prattling on and on.

"That all sounds horribly unpleasant...are you even supposed to eat gold?" I frowned.

"I also heard, she's a hottie." Hizashi beamed.

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