Chapter Five

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~Shota's POV~

The idiot eventually woke up and we had the fanciest meal I'd ever been served in my life. Poseidon was quiet through most of the meal, he occasionally growled out some small talk questions asking Hizashi and I about our grades, interests and goals in life but he didn't engage much. Ariel was quiet throughout dinner. Though she and her grandfather seemed to be on good terms, I had a feeling they had a strained relationship, that was recently on the mend, as they were both quiet and awkward.

Ariel invited us to come over on the weekend so we could all train together for the upcoming Sports Festival. Hizashi and I were getting used to the helicopter ride to the island paradise where she lived. We arrived at the island early Saturday morning, it was a brisk morning and I wished I was bundled up in my sleeping bag and able to take a nap. As we wound our way down the sea glass path, I heard Rosie's strange barking and looked over to the white sandy beach.

Hizashi followed my gaze, his jaw dropped and he stopped walking so suddenly I almost walked right into him. Ariel was in an athletic bikini in a deep indigo color standing in the shallows giggling as Rosie happily splashed and barked in the water around her. She tossed a bright green ball into the water and Rosie dove for it happily. She returned shortly with the ball in her whiskered mouth and nearly knocked Ariel over in her excitement, she acted very much like a dog, perhaps that was why people called them dogs of the sea.

"Keep moving." I smacked Hizashi upside the head, "it's creepy just to stand here and watch."

"...but she's so pretty." Hizashi smiled dreamily.

I rolled my eyes at this and dragged him along behind me. As soon as we left the lush green tropical forest and stepped onto the beach, Rosie locked eyes on us and charged. I stood my ground, Hizashi let out a yelp and dropped to the sand cowering in fear. Rosie gave me a quick sniff but turned her deceptively cute and innocent looking puppy dog eyes on Hizashi before lunging.

"Ah! Rosie!" Ariel squeaked in a panic as Rosie looked like she was going to bite Hizashi. Rosie paused at Ariel's panic and opted to slapping the coward with her front flipper before snorting at him dismissively and hopping back over to Ariel. "Sorry, Hizashi! Are you okay?" Ariel asked worried as she darted toward us.

I felt my face growing hot as she drew nearer and my eyes lingered over her revealed body. For such a petite girl, she had a significant amount of muscle definition. I'd not noticed it before, but she was quite muscular for how thin she was. She had amazing control of her quirk and her body was in the condition of a pro-athlete which spoke volumes about how much she must have trained. Feeling my gaze had lingered too long, I averted my eyes as she came to a stop before me.

Hizashi stared at her with his mouth agape. Rosie flopped along behind Ariel and noticed the idiot staring before inching closer to him. She pressed her whisker covered mouth against the idiot's mouth and I nearly doubled over laughing as he wrenched away with a loud unflattering squawk. Hizashi dramatically rolled around in the sand trying to get away from Rosie and her kisses.

"Aw, Rosie was apologizing." Ariel smiled though I had a feeling Rosie hadn't been apologizing and had done it intentionally to freak him out and keep him from ogling Ariel. I liked Rosie, she too enjoyed tormenting the moron. Ariel leaned over and extended a hand to Hizashi to help him up, "are you okay?" She asked again, since he'd been too busy ogling her to respond the first time.

Hizashi's face reddened, "y-yeah, all good." He smiled bashfully as he accepted her hand.

Ariel pulled him to his feet and helped him dust the sand off before turning to Rosie with a smile, "Rosie, should we show them what we found on our swim this morning?" she asked the seal.

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