Chapter Seven

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~Hizashi's POV~

I woke feeling pleasantly warm and smiled to myself as I remembered I'd fallen asleep holding Ariel in my arms. Sunlight spilled into the room hitting the back of my eyelids. It was going to be way too bright. I decided to continue resting with my eyes closed and enjoy the feel of Ariel's petite yet lean frame cuddled up against me. I felt warm breath hit me in the face and my heart started to pound in my chest, now was my time to sneak a kiss, while she was still sleeping and I could play it off as an accident as I was still pretending to be asleep.

Subtly I leaned forward and tried to move my lips in the direction I'd felt the breath come from. My lips brushed against a pair of soft lips that made my heart skip a beat. I squeezed her lean frame before I realized two things simultaneously. I could feel Ariel in my arms and from the feel of it, her head was nestled against my chest, and there was some stubble on the chin of whoever I was kissing. I opened my eyes at the same moment Shota opened his bloodshot dark eyes. He pulled back, his face as red as my own, and threw me a scathing look. I flinched expecting him to hit me but nothing happened.

He closed his eyes and tried to return to sleep, his face still an alarming shade of red. I had a feeling he hadn't reacted as I'd expected so he wouldn't disturb Ariel. I glanced down and saw her sleeping peacefully, entangled between us. She had one hand gripping the front of my shirt as she buried her face in my chest, her other hand was being held by Shota, their fingers intertwined. I looked back up at Shota's sleeping face and felt something stir within me. I'd expected a kiss between guys to be dull and lackluster, but it had made my heart skip a beat. Was it just because I'd thought I was kissing Ariel, or was there something more to it?

I contemplated stealing another kiss just to see if it had been a fluke because I'd thought I was kissing Ariel. As I was about to lean forward, Shota opened his eyes and fixed me with a stern look.

"Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't." he grumbled, his cheeks were still stained pink. He inched away putting some space between us.

"I was just curious about something." I replied and he rolled his eyes in response.

Ariel mumbled something in her sleep and shivered slightly as Shota had pulled away a little to avoid me. He frowned as he noticed her shiver and scooted closer again. Her grip on my shirt tightened as she snuggled closer to me causing my heart to race.

Shota's bloodshot eyes looked down at Ariel snuggled between us, "I think we should tell her the truth."

"Huh?" I gaped at him. What the hell was he thinking? This was the most magical thing ever! We got to see her change which was hot as hell and we got to cuddle with her until we fell asleep, it was like we'd found our own personal paradise, sleepovers with Ariel. It was heaven! If we told her that we weren't really gay, we'd never have a sleepover again. "Are you crazy? We just found the holy grail; no way are we letting it go."

Shota scowled at me, "it was amusing when it was just an innocent misunderstanding but I don't know how I feel about actively deceiving her."

"Well we don't have to deceive her too much, and it's worth it for this." I grinned as I hugged her petite sleeping frame against me. "Besides you heard her last night, this is the most fun she's had in a long time, do you really want to ruin that?"

Shota rolled his eyes, "I wonder if you really belong in the Hero course." He shot with a scowl.

I was about to retort when Ariel began to stir awake. Her seafoam green eyes fluttered open and an endearing blush spread across her cheeks as she realized how close together the three of us were.

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