Chapter Six

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~Ariel's POV~

Gloria agreed that I could have a sleepover with my friends after learning about their sexual orientation, to which I was both ecstatic and a little down about. I was ecstatic because I'd finally get to figure out what a sleepover was like, but I was a little disheartened because I'd started to think I was developing crushes for my friends. I felt somewhat guilty that I'd started to develop crush like feelings on my newfound friends and even more so that I knew they were interested in each other. It felt selfish to say anything now, so I decided to try to bury those feelings.

After a long day of training, I realized neither of them had very much experience when it came to martial arts or fighting, Hizashi relied on his quirk and Shota seemed to rely on erasing other people's quirks to 'level the playing field' as he'd said. I didn't need to use my quirk to defeat either of them and decided I'd try to help them with their combat skills since I had ample training.

Grandfather was staying at the agency over the weekend he had too much work to take care of to come home, which wasn't out of the ordinary. After dinner, I suggested we all take a soak in the artificial hot spring grandfather had put in, in the grotto, as they both appeared to be very sore and beat up after our day of training.

Rosie grumpily flopped into the outdoor swimming pool; she didn't like the hot spring it was much too warm for her. She made disgruntled huffing sounds to voice her discontent as I gave her a pat on the head and made my way to the hot spring to join Shota and Hizashi. I felt awkward wrapped in nothing more than a towel and hoped neither of them would be disgusted, perhaps I should have changed into a bathing suit or something, what if it made them uncomfortable?

I hesitated outside of the hot spring and paused as I heard Hizashi exclaim very loudly, "w-what?!"

Shota said something back that I couldn't quite hear and I tried my best not to listen, it was rude to eavesdrop.

"Oh..." Hizashi sounded confused, "...oh..." it seemed like he was slowly working something out, "OH!" He apparently figured out whatever Shota had told him and was pleased by whatever it was.

I blushed as I realized maybe they'd wanted some time alone and I'd just be a bother. I was about to retreat but realized they might worry if I didn't show up after I said I would. I could just make up an excuse and tell them I wasn't feeling like sitting in the hot water right now and then give them their privacy. Slowly I rounded the corner and felt my heart skip a beat in my chest as I spotted Hizashi and Shota sitting close to one another in the steaming water. They were both bare chested and despite their lack of combat skills appeared to be built quite nicely. I felt heat spread across my cheeks and averted my gaze.

Hizashi made some strange choking sound at the sight of me in nothing more than a towel and I felt horrible for upsetting him. I bowed my head. "I...I don't think I'm feeling the hot spring right now, you two take your time."

"Are you not feeling well?" Shota asked me, sounding worried.

"Ah, I'm just feeling a little overheated already and don't want to risk anything." I lied still refusing to look at either of them, "I'll make sure no one disturbs you two, Rosie and I will be in the pool if you need us." I started to retreat but paused as I heard the rush of water as they both jumped to their feet.

I let out a soft squeak as I felt them each catch one of my wrists in their hands to stop me from fleeing. They spun me about, releasing their hold on my wrists and I scrambled to get a hold of my towel to keep it from falling off of me. It had started to slip from the sudden jerking stop. I noticed both of them look at me wide eyed before turning red in the face and looking away from me as I adjusted the towel.

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