Chapter Three

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~Hizashi's POV~

After school, Shota and I followed Ariel outside to an awaiting limo. There wasn't any press out front this time around as it seemed the menacing looking secret service men had scared them off. Shota seemed as relaxed as ever not caring in the slightest that we were going to visit the homes of one of the richest and most terrifying men in the entire world. Poseidon was the kind of hero that made villains cry and give up without a fight.

The three hulking secret service like men greeted Ariel with polite bows of respect and scowled at me and Shota. I was having a hard time not screaming and running away, Shota looked like he could care less. The largest of the three men opened the door for us. Ariel ducked inside; Shota was a step behind her. The huge security guys shot me one last glare and I scrambled inside with a yelp nearly smacking face first into Ariel.

She reached over, quick as lightning, and steadied me before I could collide into her, "are you okay Hizashi?"

"Yep, all good." I laughed nervously as the driver shut the door behind us.

The three men got into the front of the limo that had a front and backseat for them all to fit comfortably in the front cabin. Ariel smiled and pushed a button on the ceiling that caused the dividing window between the front and back cabins to drop so they weren't separated from us.

"Is something the matter, young Mistress?" The driver asked in an even and polite tone as the car pulled away from the school.

"No, you promised you'd tell me about Shintaro's first day of pre-school." Ariel pointed.

The driver smiled back at her through the rearview mirror, "I did, but my young Mistress has company, you don't have to bother yourself with that, I can tell you some other time."

"O-oh." Ariel folded her hands in her lap and looked up at the panel of buttons, "am I not supposed to do that?"

The three men chuckled at this. Ariel was sweet and awkward and though she'd told us earlier she wasn't good at interacting with people she appeared to have captured the hearts of her staff. She seemed to know them all well enough to know about their families, I didn't know many rich people that were that close with their staff.

"You may do as you wish, young Mistress, I merely wanted to point out that your grandfather might have scolded you for your actions." The driver said with an affectionate smile.

"Sorry." Ariel looked to me and Shota as if she were worried about offending us.

"Don't be, I'm super stoked to hear about Shintaro's first day of preschool too." I beamed causing Ariel to smile.

"Yeah, let's hear it." Shota added with a shrug of his shoulders looking as if he were going to start napping the moment the man started speaking.

The driver happily obliged and told us all about his son's first day at preschool. Realizing that Shota and I didn't mind hearing about the staff's lives Ariel asked the other two about their families. After they'd all caught her up on their lives, the car came to a stop at a private air strip. Shota was dozing off, bundled up in his sleeping bag. I hadn't even seen him pull it out of his backpack.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Ariel curiously as the driver parked the car next to a helipad.

Ariel blushed adorably, "ah, we live on an island, we can only get there by helicopter or boat. Is that okay?"

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