Chapter Ten

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~Ariel's POV~

"Where to next, Captain?" My father's warm soft voice made my heart hurt. I found myself in the past and knew I must be dreaming. It was an early memory, from when I was four or five years old, before we'd gone to live with grandfather. I looked up at him and couldn't help but smile as he placed a silly pirate hat atop my head before tickling my sides.

I burst into a fit of laughter, the voice that escaped me was that of my childhood self. After the brief tickle war, he picked me up and sat me atop his shoulders as he stood at the helm to steer in the direction, I told him. I'd loved it when he'd do that when I was a kid, I felt so tall and big, like I could see the whole world from up here atop his shoulders. My dainty hand pointed off in a random direction and an excited squeal escaped me, "that way!"

My father chuckled, "aye aye, Captain Ariel!"

We'd been on a grand adventure at sea for a few weeks now. Dad had packed up all our belongings and escaped to a boat. He seemed scared about something but I was young and naïve at the time and didn't understand what he was running from.

There was a sloshing sound as if water had suddenly raised up and splashed aboard deck followed by a loud thud as something heavy fell onto the deck of the ship. Fear gripped me as I looked to the terrifying giant of a man with smoothed back blue hair that had faint traces of grey speckled through and piercing aqua eyes standing on the deck of our ship. His eyes narrowed, "you thought you could run from me, boy?"

"Daddy?" I clung to my father in terror.

"It's alright, Ariel." My father lifted me off his shoulders and set me on the deck behind him.

"Give me my grandchild." The scary man growled at Dad.

"You're not taking her away from me." Dad gripped my hand tightly in his as if he were afraid I'd slip away from him.

"You made your choice, boy!" The scary man's voice boomed so loudly I heard a rushing of water as all the sea creatures in the area fled for their lives.

My father fell to his knees overwhelmed by the scary man's voice. Realizing the man meant to separate us, I let out a scream as I felt some kind of strange powerful sensation welling up inside of me. The sky overhead turned pitch black, lightning flashed across the sky and a massive wave rose up from the sea threatening to capsize our vessel.

The scary man turned and cast out his hands to halt the gigantic wave that would have swallowed our ship whole. "Much more promising than you ever were." The scary man said in a strained voice, the wave was almost too much for him. "If you can control her, you can come with us."

I woke with a start and panicked as I found myself in my bed with no recollection of how I'd gotten here only to calm as I realized someone was holding each of my hands trying to comfort me. I looked around and spotted Hizashi and Shota sitting on either side of me, they both breathed a sigh of relief as they saw me awake. It took me a moment to remember what had happened, we'd all been out on the pier Dad used to take me to, for shopping but some villains had attacked the pier. A soft gasp escaped me as I remembered Shota saying something about Hizashi hitting his head and I sat upright.

"Hizashi, is your head okay?" I panicked, maybe he needed to be the one lying down.

"Huh?" He seemed confused.

"Oh no! It's worse than I thought!" I cried, he still didn't remember hitting his head, "we have to call the docto-." As I tried to get up to call for a doctor, in my haste, the room began to spin and I toppled right into Shota's outstretched arms.

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