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Logan's (pov)

I tapped my finger repeatedly on my desk re-reading the same paragraph of my book countless times though nothing seemed to stick. The room was awfully quiet the only sounds even noticeable was the drum of my hand and slow breathing. To put it simply it was lonely. Really lonely. I sighed leaning back against my desk chair throwing off my glasses, landing them perfectly on my desk as I rubbed my eyes. My mind wandering to whatever it wanted.

"Microsoft nerd!"


"Ha! You feelings? Don't make me laugh!"

"Logan will you stop, Please?"

"Logan's not here, let's act like it."

"This is a benched trial for you."

"Thomas can't Logic his way out of this one!"

Before I knew it I was crying. Everything hurt. Everything. I laid my head on the desk resting myself on my arms letting the tears fall as I stared at nothing. Most evenings went like this. Be called for help, leave, lie about feeling ok, cry. It never changed and no ones ever noticed. I doubt they ever will.

Remus's (pov)

I summoned random darts as I kept throwing them at the board attached to my door. A bullseye each time. It became repetitive. Boring. Lonely. I flopped back onto my bed just staring up at my ceiling letting my mind wander.


"Dark side!"




"Waste of time."


"Do you ever shut up?"

"Wow! I hate him. I hate him."

I let the tears fall as I stared into oblivion. I'm pointless. Thomas already has creativity, he doesn't need another one. Especially if he hates it. Everyone hates it. Everyone hates me.

Deceit's (pov)

I sang softly as I twirled around my room. I know I'm a fifteen year old girl at me. But as the song came to a close I realised I'd have no distraction from the lies. So I kept singing any song that came to mind, mindlessly dancing around my room letting my cape flare up gently. Distracting myself from the truth of how my words bounced off each wall for no one but me to hear. The loneliness biting at me.




"Your hurting Thomas!"

*Virgil hiss*

I fell tears escape my eyes as I know how much everyone wishes I were dead. As I slow to a stop collapsing to the floor. Throwing my hat across the room.

Everyone's (pov)

Help me.

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