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Remus's (pov)

"Re~" SLAM!

Shit! I pull off of Logan as does Deceit as we both look to the now closed door. "Crap." Logan muttered. I got up making my way to the door. "I'll deal with it. I have an idea of who it was." I say. "I'm coming with you." Logan claimed standing up though De only pushed him back down on the bed. "Let him go. There's only one person that comes round here anymore." Deceit nodded to me, a knowing look in his eyes. "I'll be back soon." I kissed them both on the head before heading off to the light side.

I banged on the door, tapping my foot furiously with my arms crossed eventually it opened showing a nervous Roman. "Hey brother." He smiles awkwardly, waving a hand. "Don't you 'hey brother' me. We have to talk." I gritted out. He got the message opening the door and stepping aside.

I walked in arms still crossed as he shut the door. "How much did you see?" I asked trying and failing to with hold my nervousness. "I uh well I saw you, Deceit and um Logan kissing." He looked up to me hand on his hip where he would usually summon his sword from. "Why was Logan kissing Deceit? And why were you kissing his neck?" He asked venom sinking into his voice. How on earth do I explain a poly relationship between me and two sides that my brother argues with the most? "We were just messing around." I shrug. He looks to me skeptically. "Messing around? Logic messing around? I don't buy it." He said straightening himself up. "You don't 'buy it' because you don't know Logan. He still gets horny but everyone on the light side is to innocent to notice." Roman groans rolling his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair "Fine but keep it to yourself." I raised a brow "Your the one that walked in on us. What did you even want anyway?" I ask with a gesture of my hand.

"Oh yea!" He walked over to his desk picking up a bunch of papers. "I started writing a story about this prince, me, the village baker, Patton, and the dark overlord of the Forest, Virgil, overtime they become friends and have to stop a grave evil! Thing is I don't know what the evil is. Soooooo I was wondering if we could collaborate like we did when we were young." Once he finished he shoved the papers in my face. I smile looking over it. "This is actually pretty cool. But where are me, De and L?" I ask. He clasps his hands together raising them to his chin. "Well I was thinking of making you guys the villains but your best at that stuff so I'll you decide." Of course he made us villains in his mind. But I could do something cool with that.

"Actually we could be from another kingdom. Where Virgil used to roam before he became overlord of the Forest."

"Oooooh I like it and Logan comes into my kingdom pretending to be one of us!"

"Oh! Oh! Then Virgil calls him out!"

"We have an epic showdown!"

"Blood, guts and glory!"

"And then finally!"

"We win!"
"We win!"



"Stop that!"
"Stop that!"

"No you stop that!"
"No you stop that!"

"Ugh your so annoying!"
"Ugh your so annoying!"

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