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Logan's (pov)

Ever since Remus had found me and De sleeping he more or less crawled his way into our little friend group. Though Deceit's been acting strangely ever since we feel asleep. I may have said something in my tired state though whatever it was he seems to have affected him. However, De seems to be doing some scheming in his room as me and Remus just watch Disney in his room. Surprisingly it's not as dirty as you would think. The walls were green and the carpet black. Posters of heathers, mean girls and countless attractive men such as Zac Efron as well as Chris Pratt were hung up on the walls. It pretty much looked like a fourteen year old girls room.

"Logie? Logie, Logie, Logie, Logie!" He chanted causing me to look up from my book. "Yes?" I ask from my spot next to him. "Are you even watching the film?" I raise a brow looking over to the tv seeing Hercules playing. It was always his favourite. "I know the storyline so I don't see why I have to look at it to know what's happening." I turn back to Remus to see him pouting at me. "But what about the shirtless guys?" He asks. I chuckle lightly fluffing his hair. "Body stature doesn't truly matter to me." I say smiling ever so slightly. "Really? So hypothetically, just hypothetically if I had oh I don't know. Extra limbs you wouldn't mind?" He asks looking cautiously to me. I shake my head looking at him confused. "I don't suppose I would." I say slowly. He nods a wide smile on his face. "Great!" With that he turns back to the film as if nothing happened.

Extra limbs? A strange thing I must say. Well think at the very least. But as of right now I turned my attention back to my book ignoring the strange fluttering in my chest as he rested his head on my shoulder.

I sighed triple checking my work looking up at my laptop and back down to my notebook as I continue sorting and budgeting Romans and Remus's ideas alike. I must admit I am slightly biased towards the darker brother. He is a little crazy at times but can actually hold a steady debate granted his techniques are eccentric to say the least. I certainly would call 'Agree with me or die!' A valid technique. Actually Deceit is actually nicer than expected as well. He's an exquisite dancer who actually knows various accounts of waltz, tango, salsa and even ballet. We all metaphorically hang out in one of our rooms and do anything from talk to watch movies or even joke. No I don't joke but they do. Mainly Remus actually but-oh my. Oh my indeed.

I just ranted about Remus and Deceit. That's something I've done a lot recently. They seem to be occupying my thoughts more than on average. I'm not sure why. They are my friends I know that, I can categorise them as such yet it hurts to think of them in such a way. But being around them makes me happy. It's a confusing feeling. I'm not sure what to think of it. Perhaps I could ask Patton. He seems to be the best with emotions. That settles it then.

To Patton.

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