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Logan's (pov)

I laughed as Remus was doing a handstand and Deceit kept yelling out names. "Guitar! Gravity! Uhh dear help me out!" He nudged me though I couldn't stop laughing as Remus stuck his tongue out. "69!" "Ding ding ding." Remus exclaimed flipping back over. "You two are shit at charades btw." I rolled my eyes as Remus sat back down beside me.

"Your up buttercup." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled standing up and ruffling Deceits overly fluffy, hair he batted my hand away a small smirk on his lips as I walked over to Remus's desk as we were all in his room. I picked up Deceits hat and shuffled through the papers before picking one out.


How am I supposed to do a that? "Come on lo!" I put the paper in my pocket and walk to the middle of the room pointing to my chest.


I shake my head making a heart with my hand then pointing to the two of them.

"Heart us!"
"Heart us!"

I lay my hand out flat shaking it from side to side to show that their close. Ugh how do I do this? Oh I know. I walk up to Remus and ghost my lips over his.


He asks blushing furiously. I shake my head going over to Deceit doing the same.


I nodded smiling as I pulled away. De cleared his throat. "My turn I suppose." He got up and made his way over to the hat as Remus sat quietly. He's never quiet. "Are you ok?" I ask. He nods smiling at me though still stayed quiet. I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

Deceit picked out a piece of paper blushing slightly as he read it. Though he quickly masked it with a smirk. He walked over to me and straddled my lap. I went bright red but Remus only chuckled. "Lap dance?" He guessed innocently. "Did you have to put such dirty ones in?" I asked annoyed. Though Deceit grabbed my chin turning me back to look up to him. "Strong words for a tease." Tease? "What do you mean?" I ask. I jumped slightly as I feel Remus behind me, hands riding up my sides. "G-guys?" I ask though get ignored as Remus kisses my neck. Though it felt different from before but in a good way. How's that possible? "Logan?" I turn my attention back to Deceit staring up at his brilliant eyes. "Can I kiss you?" Holy crap! It's happening! I nodded shyly as he pulled me closer eyes slipping shut. I followed his actions closing my eyes and leaning forward. To meet him in the middle.
"Re~" SLAM!

The door slammed shut.

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