Chapter 6

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Ezran loved exploring the castle with Bait. The two of them could explore for hours and not tire. Ezran and Bait were currently on their way to steal some jelly tarts. Well, steal wasn't the right word. More like they were permanently borrowing the delicious tarts. As Ezran and Bait crawled towards the kitchen Ezran noticed something odd. He had arrived at the intersection that if he took a right it would lead him to the kitchens. But a new passage had appeared so Ezran could now take a left instead. He was positive that this tunnel hadn't been there a few days ago. Ezran gave Bait a curious look before saying, "Looks like we'll have to wait a little longer for jelly tarts." Bait gave a grunt of approval and the pair took a left into the new passageway

Ezran didn't know what he had expected but this new tunnel has very long. Ezran's stomach started growling. Maybe he should've gotten a jelly tart or two before embarking down the mysteries passage. He was contemplating turning back when the tunnel opened up into a circular room that he could stand up in. In the middle of the room was a small square cut out of the floor with bars covering the hole. Ezran gave Bait a cautious look and signaled for him to stay back as Ezran crept towards the bars. Ezran could hear someone struggling down there and speaking in an unusual accent. Gathering his courage, Ezran peeked through the bars and gasped. Below him was a prison cell. The circular room was the ceiling of the prison cell and the barred hole must be a way to lower things into the cell without using the door. One of the prisoners was currently pulling against her restraints while muttering things under her breath. The prisoners weren't human. The one struggling against her chains was an elf and the other was a baby dragon. But that wasn't why Ezran had gasped. The elf wasn't just any old elf, she was the elf from Callum's drawing. Ezran crept away from the hole as the elf turned her stare upward.

"Hello?" The elf called, "Hello, is anyone there. Please, I need help!"

Ezran didn't know what to do. The elf sounded so desperate, but she was an elf and elves were evil. Weren't they?

"Ezran, is that you?" The imprisoned elf asked. How did she know his name?

"Um... yeah?"Ezran said, still unsure if he should've just stayed quiet.

"Oh thank goodness, you're safe!" The elf spoke with real relief as if she had actually been concerned for his safety.

"How do you know my name?" Ezran asked, putting as much courage in his voice as he could muster.

"Wait, you don't remember me?" The elf sounded worried as she spoke, "you may not remember me, but Ezran you need to trust me."

Could he trust her? Ezran had no idea what to do. He had no doubt that the Elvin prisoner had been the one in Callum's sketch. Maybe he should tell Callum. Yes, that's what he would do.

"I'll be back," Ezran called over his shoulder as he and Bait turned to leave.

"Wait, no comeback!" The prisoner's voice called out as Ezran and Bait crawled back through the tunnel. The elf sounded so sad and desperate that Ezran almost turned back, but Bait gave him a stern look and grunt. So Ezran and Bait headed back. He had to tell Callum because he must know who the elf was. After all, Callum had drawn her.

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