Chapter 11

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Callum looked down at the rune Rayla wanted him to trace, feeling hesitant. He had promised Rayla he would at least try the spell, but he was nervous. Callum hadn't ever been good at anything, except for art, so why would this be any different. The truth was he desperately wanted this work. Gathering his courage Callum raised his hand, ready to start the attempt. He held his breath as he began to trace the rune in the air. As he started a power surged through him, it felt familiar. Callum watched as he drew the symbol in magic blue streaks. He couldn't believe his eyes. He, a human, was doing primal magic.

"B-But how?"Callum asked awestruck.

"You haven't even finished the spell yet," said Rayla from her cell, "You still need to say Aspiro."

"Oh, yeah," Callum said feeling excitement as he drew in a deep breath, "Aspiro!"

After Callum said the spell, he blew on the floating rune with all his might. Callum felt another surge of magic as a powerful gust of wind blow throughout the circular room.

"I...I did it!" Callum shrieked in excitement, "I did it, can you believe Ez, I did primal magic!"

"Hey," Rayla called, drawing their attention to her, " See you're a mage, so do you believe me now."

Callum considered how he should respond. He had never done that before, and it should have been impossible. But was it as impossible as Rayla's story? Callum had dreamed of Rayla again last night, and the dreams where getting more vivid, almost real. This one had been of Rayla chasing him through the castle with her swords drawn. Callum had assumed that was when they had first met, and his dream matched up with what Rayla had told him. Sighing, Callum looked down at Rayla.

"Yes, I believe you Rayla," Callum said to her. She broke out into a giant grin.

"Oh, I knew you would come around!" Rayla said back with excitement and relief in her voice. Callum smiled down at her, it was good to see her smiling. Though she hadn't said anything, Callum was sure she didn't enjoy being locked up in her cell. Now that Callum knew that this reality was fake he had to figure out a way to get Rayla out of her cell and fix what Claudia's spell had done. 

"So what do we do know?" Ezran asked as he petted Bait.

"Well, there has to be a source for this illusion," Rayla spake as she pondered their options, "And I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the castle."

"Well, maybe I could look for it," Callum added, "I am taking dark magic lessons today."

"What?" Rayla yelled, "Callum you can't do dark magic! The last time you did I nearly lost you."

"I'm not going to do dark magic, I'll be a spy, " Callum said. He had been planning to learn dark magic. That was until he learned he could do primal magic. But that was beside the matter.

"Why don't we break you out of prison?" Ezran asked Rayla.

"No. If you do that Claudia will figure out that you know," Rayla said. Then she unexpectedly thudded her head against the wall before continuing, "I just feel so useless, sitting in here."

"You're not useless, Rayla," Callum said, he suddenly had the urge to reach out for her hand, but a 10-foot drop separated them, "Just, listen to me. Without you, we wouldn't know that this world is a lie."

Rayla slowly nodded her head in agreement, though Callum wasn't sure if she truly believed how useful she was.

"Besides, it sounds like you saved us a lot on our journey to Xadia," Callum said gesturing to Ezran, Bait, and himself, "So let us save you this time."

"Yeah, Rayla, you asked us to trust you," Ezran added, "So now trust us, we can do it!"

Rayla looked up at them, tears shining in her beautiful eyes and then said, "I've missed you guys so much." Just then Zym, the Dragon Prince, started to fearfully cry in his deep sleep.

"Is he okay?" Ezran asked, looking at the dragon with worry in his eyes.

"Just hurry, okay," Rayla said as she too looked at Zym with worry etched in her features, "I don't know what's wrong with him."

"We will don't worry," Callum said trying to comfort both Ez and Rayla, " but we should probably head out." Callum pointed toward the passage. It was true, he needed to be at his lessons with Lord Viren soon. Plus maybe he could get some snooping in. He and Ezran turned to leave.

"Wait!" Rayla called out. Callum turned back to hole in the floor or was it the hole in Rayla's ceiling. It didn't matter.

"Promise me you'll be safe and not try anything stupid," Rayla said once Callum and Ezran were above her cell.

"Will do," Ezran said and he and Bait turned to head back through the tunnels.

"I promise Rayla," Callum said, then smiling, he added, "You trust me, don't you."

Rayla laughed while nodding her head then waved goodbye. Callum followed Ezran into the tunnel. Callum still couldn't believe he had done primal magic. It had felt so right like he had been born to wield its power. He was also glad that he could trust Rayla, and that she trusted him. Callum might not remember everything, but he knew that he was going to find the source of the illusion, and then free Rayla. 

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